roll, roll, roll the ring 包含2605个检索结果
Trundle (滚铁环). Look, each student tries to roll a very big iron (铁的) ring. There is a stick in their hand. They use the stick to roll the ring. They run about 70 meters. They have to be careful – the iron ……
The RollThe Roll enables you to “scroll less shoot more”. It saves you time and energy... for different events and categories. “The Roll is an incredibly impressive piece of tech ……
趣味词汇趣味词汇 小伙伴们,立春那天你吃春卷了吗? 春卷在英文中是spring roll。其中roll表示各种卷起来的美食哦!小伙伴们,立春那天你吃春卷了吗? 春卷在英文中是spring roll。其中roll表示各种卷起来的美食哦!Swiss roll 瑞士卷egg roll 蛋卷sushi roll 寿司卷Swiss roll  ……
环). Look, they all wear traditional red gowns (长袍) and try to roll a very big ring... red gowns (长袍) and try to roll a very big ring with a wooden (木制的) stick. They run about 70 meters ……
roll in大量进入As the company’s patent being applied in mass production, cash starts to roll in.随着公司专利被用于大规模生产,大量资金开始涌入。 ……
Why does my dog roll over (打滚)? 小狗打滚是在表示服从。He is saying: "You are the boss." ……
Midnight Mass for the Dying YearThrough woods and mountain passesThe winds, like anthems (圣歌), roll. By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (American poet, 1807-1882) ……
下线China’s first homegrown large passenger aircraft, the C919, will roll off assembly lines... forecast. Roll off 指“从……下来”,而assembly line指“组装生产线”,roll off assembly lines表示“生产完毕,下线”,也可说roll off ……
you roll (卷起来) it, it gives out light. There are circuits (电路) on both sides of the paper. When you roll the paper loosely (松地), the light is dim (微弱的). When you roll more tightly (紧地), the light ……
scared out of their wits instead. Koji Suziki, author of the smash hit horror novel series Ring, has... the end of the roll, so multiple bathroom visitors can enjoy a read before the roll runs out. While ……
你听过摇滚乐队的演出吗? 他们个性十足,穿着酷炫,玩的音乐强劲震撼!HAVE you ever seen a rock'n'roll concert? If you have, you know..., they jump and they shout.Rock'n'roll was born in the 1950s in America. It's a mix of styles. Jazz ……
. Olivia’s favorite is BerryDip&Roll. How to make it? It’s easy. Let’s try!Berry Dip & Roll草莓蘸奶油Strawberries Sour cream 酸奶油(可以用酸奶代替)Brown sugar 红糖1. Dip the strawberries in the sour cream.2. Roll them …… 2010年09月05日
Candy roll To put a fun spin on your Valentine’s Day wishes, cut a *rectangle of colorful wrapping paper sized to wrap a few times around a roll of candy. Print your message on the paper’s blank side ……
, Cambridge Independent reported. Competitors form teams to take part. Each team has four people. They roll their barrel one by one. Everyone tries to roll the barrel as quickly as possible. The track (赛道 ……
SAN FRANCISCO: A California woman who spends her spare time crafting slogans has won the 2002 Bulwer-Lytton bad writing award. The piece compared a faltering relationship to a balky roll of toilet ……
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