one-wheel motorcycle 包含270个检索结果
shipjettrucktankmotorcycle. ……
Largest motorcycle 最大的摩托车Is there any motorcycle (摩托车) bigger than this? Fabio Reggiani is from Italy. He built the world’s tallest motorcycle. It is 5.1 meters tall. And it’s six times (倍) larger ……
吉尼斯世界纪录Fastest motorcycle最快的摩托车This is not a car but a motorcycle. It is the fastest motorcycle in the world. In 2010, Rocky Robinson from the US rode the motorcycle. He reached5 the speed of about ……
史上最彪悍的摩托车。HERE’s the tallest motorcycle (摩托车) in the world. It is 5.1 meters tall and six times larger than a normal one. Fabio Reggiani from Italy built it. But the motorcycle is so big ……
About 1 in 5 About 1 in 5 US motorcycle (摩托车) owners are women, up from 1 in 10 in 2009. ……
比高铁还快的电动摩托This red motorcycle is really fast! Its owner, Eva Hakansson, is from Sweden (瑞典). She spent five years making the motorcycle. Now it can reach a speed of 389 km/h. It is even faster than ……
, motorcycle racing... how does “Cool Guy” Wang Yibo find time for his many hobbies?Street dance, skateboarding, motorcycle racing... how does “Cool Guy” Wang Yibo find time ……
这辆摩托车只有一个轮子呦!这辆摩托车只有一个轮子呦! Look at this special motorcycle. It has only one big wheel... on roads, sand, and even small stones.Look at this special motorcycle. It has only one big wheel. An ……
II版:III. 1. Riding on the motorcycle with her boyfriend. 2. It offers them a feeling of freedom.IV.... reminding 9. freedom 10. seek 11. coverV. I used to have prejudices about motorcycle riders. I thought ……
you without windows in your way, you hear the noise of the motorcycle (摩托车) right under your seat... popular. During the last decade there has been a large increase in the number of motorcycle sales ……
motorcycle (摩托车). A US company made it. The company calls it the world’s first flying motorcycle. Speeder.... If a rider is too heavy, it will be hard for the motorcycle to take off. TEENS ……
on June 29. Motocross is a physically demanding form of motorcycle racing. Riders try to show ……
汉堡收藏家Harry Sperl lives in a hamburger home in the United States. He collects (收藏) everything about hamburgers. He has phone, bed, clocks (钟) that look like humburgers. He even makes a motorcycle (摩托车) ! ……
as well. A US company made a flying motorcycle (摩托车) called Speeder. It is the world’s first flying motorcycle.Speeder doesn’t have wheels (轮子) like other motorcycles. It has a touch screen (触摸 ……
邻居们好象都不喜欢,他们只好作罢。正在那时,一辆摩托车疾驰而过。奇怪的是,爸爸跟在后面拼命的追。为什么呢?快看故事吧!1. One day, Clifford misses his Dad. He runs... of the motorcycle. Suddenly, the motorcycle is climbing a hill. Clifford's Dad starts to rest.9. Clifford's Dad …… 2006年04月24日
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