huge gas field discovered 包含14284个检索结果
内蒙发现我国规模最大的天然气田SCIENTISTS have discovered China's largest natural gas field with huge proven reserves (探明储量) in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.The gas field, some 602.5 billion cubic metres ……
A HUGE amount of combustible (可燃的) ice has been discovered under the sea east of the Peal River... natural gas. According to People’s Daily, the combustible ice discovered this time is equal to 100-150 ……
astronomers this past June discovered huge quantities of carbon gas. The gas was mixed with a cloud of dust... in the field of space science being particularlynotable(引人注意的). Below is a brief account of the major events ……
ICE can burn. Or at least, a special ice called natural gas hydrate (天然气水合物) or simply, gas hydrate..., gas hydrate is made up of almost nothing but methane (甲烷). One cubic meter (立方米) of gas hydrate ……
New bird-like dinosaur uncovered in ChinaCHINA has found the fossil (化石) of a huge bird-like... and stands at twice the height of a man at the shoulder. Discovered in April 2005, it weighed about 1.4 tons ……
the resources under reciprocal cooperation.Background: An undersea natural gas field was discovered... of warming ties between the two countries.Let's have a look at some developments:Gas disputeThe two ……
, the picture shows a halo (光环) of dust and gas at the heart of the M87 galaxy, 55 million light-years away... great density (密度), produces such a powerful gravitational (重力的) field that nothing – not even the light ……
and two other big gas planets orbiting very close to the star, Marcy said."There's a huge region... they believe is a Jupiter-like gas ball orbiting a star much like our Sun. It is located ……
radiation.Shape memory alloys were discovered in 1951 in the form of a gold/cadmium alloy. The range of applications is huge and growing all the time.The potential applications range from the simple ……
.The answer is a huge spacecraft driven by a compact nuclear reactor. It could drop a series... exploration" has already begun.Neptune is a gas giant and sometimes the most distant of the nine ……
黑洞或比我们想象的多。ASTRONOMERS have accidentally discovered a supermassive (超级巨大的) black hole in an..., was discovered in a less crowded area than expected.“While finding a gigantic black hole in a massive galaxy ……
quality in the gas field.Meanwhile, a State Council team headed by Wang Xianzheng, director... disinfection of the blowout site around the gas well that burst in Chongqing on December 23, taking ……
, birds have the physical ability to pass gas. However, unlike humans and other mammals, birds don’t carry the same kinds of gas-forming bacteria in their stomachs and intestines (肠) to help break down ……
, but they need to know that we have taken huge steps forward in the field of transportation.When my... by searching online. However, I’ve discovered that many foreigners who’ve never been to China have a false ……
科学家发现地球新姊妹A JUPITER-LIKE gas ball has been discovered to be orbiting (绕...旋转) a star much like the sun, US scientists said on June 12.They also report that the distance between the two bodies is so ……
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