golden goose eggs 包含4505个检索结果
Golden goose eggs农夫的金蛋。ONE day a farmer found a shining (闪闪发光的) egg in the nest of a goose (鹅). He picked it up. It was as heavy as iron (铁). It was an egg of pure gold! The goose laid golden eggs ……
. It was as heavy as iron (铁). It was an egg of pure gold! The goose laid golden eggs!Every morning.... Of course he found nothing. He lost both his goose and the golden eggs. Provided by Xu Huimin of Linyi ……
a farmer with a goose that laid golden eggs. The farmer got impatient with getting only one egg a day, so he killed the goose to get all the eggs at one go. Silly him, he lost the goose and his fortune ……
for star-makingBONUSkill a goose that lay golden eggs杀鸡取卵,得不偿失Thinking only about short-term interests is killing a goose that lay golden eggs.只顾眼前利益无异于杀鸡取卵,自断后路。wear down磨损, 损耗 Doing repetitive work ……
the Goose that lays the Golden Eggs from falling into the hands of *murderous Jack and Jill. Puss’ only ……
it to killing the goose that laid the golden eggs. On April 15, Xinhua reported on a local ……
Can you see a deer, a goose, a pencil and a frog? ……
;What is the biggest egg you have ever seen? A goose egg or an ostrich (鸵鸟) egg? Or the one in this picture?What is the biggest egg you have ever seen? A goose egg or an ostrich (鸵鸟) egg? Or the one ……
WHAT is the biggest egg you have ever seen? An egg laid by a goose (鹅) or an ostrich (鸵鸟)? Well... 10 feet (3m) and weighed half a ton. Their eggs — standing 13 inches (33cm) tall and around 300 ……
a new food source – goose and duck eggs.The eggs could be coming in part from an increasing goose... there are in fact too many of them. Their eggs can be a good food source, researchers report in the journal ……
Difficult tripA MAN went on a trip with a fox, a goose (鹅)and a bag of corn (玉米). He came upon... himself and one other — the fox, the goose, or the corn — at a time (每次). He could not leave the fox ……
killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Reading classic literature can widen one's interests. We ……
a parachute is opening. I stir-fry (翻炒) the eggs quickly. When the egg becomes golden, I put.... It looks like a parachute is opening. I stir-fry (翻炒) the eggs quickly. When the egg becomes golden, I ……
Students discuss how to better protect the eggs. PROVIDED TO TEENSStudents discuss how to better protect the eggs. PROVIDED TO TEENS你有“拯救鸡蛋”的最佳方案吗?你有“拯救鸡蛋”的最佳方案吗?Chengdu ……
Help the bunny find the eggs!Help the bunny find the eggs! ……
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