future will call us the plastic age 包含76913个检索结果
In the far future, archaeologists (考古学家) who discover our buried remains will find our marks on Earth – thick deposits (沉淀物) of plastic waste. They may know us as the Age of Plastic.Sources: Jan ……
.“We are wanting to solve two world problems. On one side we call it the waste plastic... the technology from abroad.12. What does Almitra Patel think of the future of plastic roads ……
Plastic waste is choking (使窒息) us. Only 14 percent of plastic packaging worldwide is collected for recycling. What would you do to improve this percentage? ……
, a leading US marine expert, warned that the growing plastic pollution in our seas and oceans is actually a greater threat than climate change: “It’s choking our future in ways that most of us are barely ……
, in the digital (数码的) age, paper money seems to be disappearing for the same reason – what’s more convenient (方便... on their mobile phones. Sweden is even closer to a future without paper money. Many Swedish banks ……
TO TEENS在垃圾回收站做志愿者,保护环境,人人有责。在垃圾回收站做志愿者,保护环境,人人有责。Volunteering allows us to connect with our community... arrived, I saw huge piles of (大堆的) plastic bottles on the ground. I wondered, “What are we going ……
, we don’t do plastic bags anymore.”California will be the first US state to say goodbye to single-use...你还在使用塑料袋吗?THINK of the last time you went to a grocery (杂货) store. Did you ask for a plastic bag ……
eco-friendly choices in the future.5. By participating in plastic-free events, upcycling challenges... a threat to their lives.III. 发出倡议III. 发出倡议1. As for us, we should do our bit to say no to plastic ……
. We call it thunder (雷声). Thunder tells us that lightning is close and we need to find a safe place... cools down fast, and this sudden change makes a loud sound. We call it thunder (雷声). Thunder tells us ……
Chen Huan made a sculpture by reusing plastic materials. PROVIDED TO TEENSChen Huan made a sculpture by reusing plastic materials. PROVIDED TO TEENS用外卖塑料盒做雕塑,既是艺术也很环保。词数 380 建议阅读时间 6分钟 ……
1. Plastic in poop人类也难逃塑料污染。For the first time, scientists have found plastic (塑料) in human poop... of plastic in their poop. Scientists are not sure how the plastic got into their bodies. But they do ……
the right to try to be beautiful. So why shouldn’t some people have plastic surgery to become... whether or not to have plastic surgery. If it can improve a person’s self-confidence and make them ……
it.Plastic ‘problem’“I love Hollywood,” US pop artist Andy Warhol (1928-1987) once said. “Everybody’s plastic, but I love plastic. I want to be plastic.” It seems that Warhol had an eye for the future ……
discarded (丢弃). Most of that plastic waste is still with us, buried in landfills or polluting... of that plastic waste is still with us, buried in landfills or polluting the environment. Microplastics ……
(生产) of single-use non-degradable (不可降解的) plastic products was carried out across Hainan province... mixed feelings about the ban. “Caring for the environment is good for all of us, but my ……
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