finding winnie 包含4659个检索结果
Can you help the little tiger find Winnie? ……
《寻找维尼》This book is about the world’s most famous bear: Winnie-the-Pooh. The story is about a real1 bear. A long time ago, a vet rescued2 a bear from a hunter (猎人). The vet named (取名) the bear Winnie ……
维尼采蜜记本版文字和图片由外语教学与研究出版社提供故事简介小熊维尼肚子饿了,他想吃蜂蜜。可是蜜蜂窝在高高的树上,维尼怎样才能够到呢?1.Winnie’s tummy (胃) is hungry. He looks in his honey1 pot. But it’s empty.2.Then, Winnie hears a bee. Ah! Bees make honey! Winnie ……
维尼采蜜记 本版文字和图片由外语教学与研究出版社提供故事简介小熊维尼肚子饿了,他想吃蜂蜜。可是蜜蜂窝在高高的树上,维尼怎样才能够到呢?1.Winnie’s tummy (胃) is hungry. He looks in his honey1 pot. But it’s empty.2.Then, Winnie hears a bee. Ah! Bees make honey! Winnie ……
with their homework.Day 3Pooh bear turns 90 (P4)Choose the answer:1. Which is NOT true about Winnie... and always cares about others.2. Who wrote the story of Winnie the Pooh first?A. A.A. Milne.B ……
Largest collection of Winnie the Pooh最多的维尼熊收藏者Do you like Winnie the Pooh? Deb Hoffmann from the US has the most Winnie the Pooh in the world. She collects more than 8,900 different items about ……
for Winnie the witch. It’s the day of the Witches’ Magic Show (女巫魔法秀). But Winnie did something wrong... wand does not work. What shall I do?” Winnie says. Winnie’s black cat, Wilbur, finds a new wand ……
温妮和飞毯故事简介女巫温妮有一块漂亮的飞毯,那是姐姐们送给她的生日礼物。可这块飞毯一点都不听话,这让温妮伤透了脑筋。这不麻烦开始了……Winnie the Witch always wanted a flying carpet1. Her sisters gave her one. One day, Winnie spreads2 the flying carpet ……
不能顺利地回来呢?Winnie the Witch and her big black cat Wilbur love to visit1 the museum. It’s full of fascinating (有趣的) things. But best of all is the dinosaur room. Winnie and Wilbur like to look at the bones (骨头 ……
她们就可以在海底自由自在地游玩了。It’s holiday time for Winnie the Witch and her cat, Wilbur. They go to an island. Winnie puts on her flippers.... There are dolphins, turtles and coral (珊瑚). It is so beautiful. Winnie wants Wilbur to see it, too. Winnie waves her ……
后的温妮和威尔伯却遇到了大麻烦……It’s holiday time for Winnie the Witch and her cat, Wilbur. They go to an island1. Winnie puts on her... dolphins, turtles and coral (珊瑚). It is so beautiful. Winnie wants Wilbur to see it, too. Winnie ……
station, he sits on his suitcase and stops passers-by from time to time in the hope of finding...-best-known bear in fiction after Winnie the Pooh,” The Economist noted. While Winnie the Pooh ……
温妮和飞毯女巫温妮有一块漂亮的飞毯,那是姐姐们送给她的生日礼物。可这块飞毯一点都不听话,这让温妮伤透了脑筋。这不,麻烦开始了……The witch Winnie always wanted a flying carpet1. Her sisters gave her one. One day, Winnie spreads2 the flying carpet on the armchair ……
温妮和她的三角恐龙故事简介一天,温妮挥舞着魔棒把一只恐龙带回到了现代。温妮把它放在她的花园里,但是它太大了。温妮会怎么办呢?Winnie the Witch and her big black... is the dinosaur room. Winnie and Wilbur like to look at the bones (骨头), the footprints (脚印) and the models ……
温妮的海盗之旅(上)故事简介温妮带着威尔伯去参加化妆舞会。她摇身一变,变成了一个海盗。晚会上的海盗特别多,大家一致要求来一场真正的海盗之旅。1.Winnie the Witch and her cat Wilbur are going to a dress party (化装舞会). Winnie wears a pirate1 costume (服装). Wilbur ……
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