centipede‘s 100 小蜈蚣买鞋记 包含10980个检索结果
请给我点时间穿上鞋A man keeps a centipede (蜈蚣) as his pet. The centipede can do many things for him. The man says, “Go and bring me a beer.” The centipede goes to the kitchen and gets a beer. “Go and run ……
我腿多走得快!An ant, a spider and a centipede (蜈蚣) are having a party.The ant wants to buy some beer. The centipede says: “Let me do it. You’d take too long (花太长时间). I have a lot more legs than you. I can ……
一只热心肠的蜈蚣。AN ant, a spider, and a centipede (蜈蚣) are holding a party.The ant finds that they are running low on beer (啤酒). He offers to head out to buy some more. The centipede says: “No, let me do ……
我去拿吧,我腿多走得快!AN ant, a spider, and a centipede (蜈蚣) are holding a party.The ant finds that they don’t have enough beer (啤酒). He offers (主动提出) to head out to buy some more. The centipede says: “No, let ……
怜这一家人也不得不另找住处。Briton finds venomous centipede in house毒蜈蚣惊现英国百姓家AN English expected to find a tiny... of the damage stood at well over 100,000 euros."The family have had to look for somewhere else ……
''t know you had one. What is it?""A centipede (蜈蚣).""A centipede? That''s unusual. But it''s no problem....""Percy?""Yes, my centipede. Percy, hurry up. We''ll be late for the party!"Percy did not respond ……
is not satisfied with that. Zhang said her aim now is to make a "centipede(蜈蚣) kite".The centipede kite...."Our teacher said it's hard to fly a centipede kite," said Zhang. "I'd like to make one and have ……
小蜈蚣要买鞋子,五颜六色的鞋子让他眼花缭乱。他左挑右挑,最后他买到鞋子了吗?Centipede(小蜈蚣) , where do you shop for one hundred shoes? Do...?Why you walk barefoot (光脚) wherever you go!Translation 中文对对碰小蜈蚣, 你去哪里买一百只鞋子呢?你在菜园穿鞋子吗?你在街上走路穿鞋子吗?你去 ……
them. We dig (挖) up potatoes. Last time, I saw a big centipede (蜈蚣) when I was digging up potatoes. I ……
a “centipede” on his arm, which is filled with the superhero’s fluid (液体). But the fluid can also lead ……
with (追上) him.Dad’s magic is not perfect (完美). Once I asked him how many feet a centipede (蜈蚣) has. He ……
and saves a woman from a burning building. The hero turns out to have a “centipede” on his arm ……
, Donkey Kong, and Centipede. Unfortunately, in one big competition, Brenner was defeated by a player named ……
classic video games such as Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Centipede, and Space Invaders. Unfortunately, in one ……
A cow makes about 100,000 glasses of milk in its lifetime. ……
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