blessing in a disguise 包含531个检索结果
.佳句诵读uBut as it turns out, the actor sees the experience as a blessing in disguise.本句中的a blessing in disguise意为“因祸得福;塞翁失马,焉知非福;起初似乎以为不幸后来转变为幸运之事”。例如:Not getting the job turned out ……
Christine Fan (范玮琪), 38, ChinaIt seems that Christine Fan’s carelessness is a blessing in disguise.... According to Fan, for her age, the chances of becoming pregnant with twins is less than 8 percent.Blessing ……
Blessing in disguise情境领悟:A: You must have been so unhappy that you had to change school when your parents moved.B: I was very sad at the time. But it was a blessing in disguise because I made a lot ……
祸中福;因祸得福Example:You know, Bob, not getting that job just may be a blessing in disguise. I don't think... for what they are at first. It is as if the good thing (a blessing) were wearing the clothes (disguise ……
out to be a blessing in a disguise. The Hairdressing Council of Great Britain and Universal Studios...! 21STBlessing in a disguise比喻“某件事看似是坏事,但从另一方面来说是一件好事”。安妮·海瑟薇在拍摄奥斯卡获奖影片《悲惨世界》时,因角色需要,剪短了一头长发。此后,她一 ……
.Bonusa blessing in disguise指Something that at first seems unfortunate turns out to be fortunate, 即“祸中福;因祸得福”。例如:You know, Bob, not getting that job just may be a blessing in disguise. I don’t think ……
MiracleFoo FightersFoo FightersCrazy but I'm relieved this timeBegging for sweet relief of blessing in disguiseDying behind these tired eyesI've been losing sleepPlease come to meTonightHands ……
’ve got a new car now!David: Ha ha, that’s great! So it was a blessing in disguise! A blessing in disguise 是指开始看起来很糟糕的事情,最后却变成了一件好事。可译为“因祸得福”。 James 刚在公司附近买了房子,公司就搬走了。这看上去实在很倒霉。但他却因为离公司远而得到了一辆新汽车。所以 ……
handsome.”Blessing意为“祝福”,常用的短语包括a blessing in disguise(塞翁失马)以及mixed blessing(有好处也有坏处的事)等。霍建 ……
*a blessing in disguise. She’s growing up, getting to know herself and transforming from a child star... beautiful than what is on the outside,” she told TV.com.BonusA blessing in disguise的意思是“塞翁失马焉知非福,因祸 ……
was once a small fishing village.据说新加坡以前是个小渔村。It is said that 据说。Wise sayingsA blessing in disguise.因祸 ……
Choose the best answer:1. What does “a blessing in disguise” mean in the article?A. Though her father passed away, the author seldom felt upset or desperate.B. The author’s father’s death turned out ……
of the Year award.There was also a blessing in disguise (因祸得福). Leicester was moved out of the FA Cup (足总 ……
, loss can be a blessing in disguise (因祸得福). Last month, Cyrus and Hemsworth, the 28-year-old ……
districts was a blessing in disguise when the city had to push out factories for a ‘painful... an important place in the hearts of young artists. Hidden blessing The 798 Art Zone is one of China ……
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