better late than never. 包含75366个检索结果
Better late than neverA: Hey. Sorry I'm late today.B: Better late than never! Let's get working.Better late than never: 迟做总比不做好。 ……
Better late than neverHey. Sorry I'm late today.Better late than never! Let's get working.Better late than never.亡羊补牢 犹未为晚 ……
Hey. Sorry I’m late today.Better late than never! Let’s get working.Better late than never.亡羊补牢 犹未为晚 ……
Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。/亡羊补牢,为时未晚。 ……
Better late than never. – English proverb *迟做总比不做好; 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。 ……
is not sure if he should tell Mrs Smith the truth. Better late than never是一句谚语,意思是“晚做总比不做强”。在中文中,有一.... Better late than never. 2. — I’m sorry to give the book back so late. — Better late than never. …… 2007年11月05日
Council. Try to find out the meaning of the expression “better late than never ”.A: What took you so..., never mind. Better late than never!This popular idiom (习语) is used to say that it is better to do ……
, what should I do?AmyIt's better late than never. Try to push yourself more. Seize every chance... have tried to change, but it seems too difficult, and perhaps it's too late for me now. Sometimes I ……
" in "He's a bit introverted so he sent a short love message late last month to the girl who is his girlfriend, the rest is history". (University romance better late than never, P12, March 24 ……
to stay in and wait. Twenty minutes later, the rain stops. "We're late for the game. Shall we go back home?" asks Jacky. "No," says Ella. "We'll go to the game. Better late than never!"是啊,做事情不要轻易放弃。只要 …… 2006年06月05日
't understand the sentence "It took a while, but better late than never" (Out of sight, out of mind, P12... late than never" means "although it took a long time to happen, it's better that it did happen than ……
在新的学期刚刚开始的时候,Jacky为自己制定了很多计划,比如:每天坚持写日记,每天帮妈妈做一件家务事……但是一个月过去了,Jacky既没有按时写日记,也没有主动帮妈妈做过一件家务事。终于有一天,Jacky发现了自己的问题。在晚饭后,他主动地帮妈妈收拾了桌子。这时,妈妈走过来说:“Thank you, Jacky. You know, better late than never. Keep …… 2010年09月05日
: "Better late than never." But when it comes to studying, we should be saying: "Better early than...Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do todayIT'S a common sight to see students studying late ……
late. But better late than never. We Taiwanese students are expecting cross-Straits relations... is a student from Taiwan. In his opinion, Lien performed much better here than in Taiwan."He gives ……
亡羊补牢: better late than never.You should have apologized earlier, but better late than never.顺手... was probably more than “good”, back when there was not much food, especially meat. It was said ……
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