be careful with your snowman 包含52023个检索结果
三个啤酒盖儿做个小雪人……A snowman can be very interesting. But a real one can’t last long. There is an easy... as the body of the snowman.Use buttons and ribbon to make a scarf5 for the snowman.Glue the snowman ……
Smart: And your snowman has the tallest hat, Daming.Amy: But my snowwoman has the prettiest (最漂...’s make asnowman.Daming: I’m going to make a snowman, too.Amy: I’m going to make a snowwoman (女雪人)!Tom …… 2007年12月17日
在美国堆雪人小心被告侵权。ARE you going to build a snowman when the snow season arrives this year? Then be careful, because you may violate patent law (侵犯专利权法). Ignacio Marc Asperas of the US just received ……
美国人注册“堆雪人”专利。HAVE you thought about building a snowman when winter arrives this year? Then be careful, because you may violate (侵犯) patent law (专利权法). Ignacio Marc Asperas of New York, US, has just ……
Can you see a horse, a snowman and a moon? ……
Can you see a dancer, a snowman and a cat? ……
snowmanSantagiftcake treereindeer. ……
Help the snowman get the ice cream! Help the snowman get the ice cream! TNSTNS ……
Help the snowman reach the ice cream! Help the snowman reach the ice cream! TNSTNS ……
Secret snowmanTry this game at your family party! How many people Your whole familyWhat you needA snowman sticker (你可以剪下上面的这个雪人,在它后面贴上双面贴,做成贴纸。)How to play1. Try to stick the paper snowman …… 2008年12月29日
bootsglovesscarfskisnowballsnowfallsnowflakesnowmansnowsuitsnowy. ……
boots frost sleigh snowflake sleet snowmanskiing scarf skating gloves. ……
a snowman in the yard1/ on the roof (屋顶)/ in the car. ” “Good idea! Bring your shovel (铲子)/ pillow... channel (密道). My dad rolls (滚) two big snowballs. They are for our snowman’s head and body. I find ……
a snowman in the yard/ on the roof (屋顶)/ in the car. ” “Good idea! Bring your shovel (铲子)/ pillow... channel (密道). My dad rolls (滚) two big snowballs. They are for our snowman’s head and body. I find ……
松鼠爱美丽Hi, squirrel. Are you going to Paris Fashion Week (巴黎时装周)? Your clothes look so colorful...! It is a good jumper, too. Goodbye, winter!别了,冬日Wow, the snowman is burning (燃烧)! This “snowman” is made ……
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