back on track 包含29985个检索结果
Tiger Woods, 37, USTiger Woods’ career is finally back on track after he won the Arnold Palmer.... “Consequently, I’ve moved up.”Back on track表示“回到正常轨道”。相似的表达还有back in the game/saddle,意思上更强调“经过一段时间的暂停之后”,而 ……
Put country ties back on track: Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Joe Biden met... country ties back on track: Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Joe Biden met on Nov ……
孙杨冲击全运会七金。SUN Yang’s life is back on track (回到正轨). After “breaking up” (分手) with his coach Zhu Zhigen for four months, Sun is now training with him again. In order to win seven medals (奖牌 ……
, China demanded Japan take practical measures to bring ties back on track after they were strained (紧张...CHINESE fishing boat captain Zhan Qixiong flew back China on September 25, after being illegally ……
LIFE is back on track with the new semester. While dealing withroutine(日常的) schoolwork, have you ever wondered what life is like for American teenagers?Look no further than http://highschool.wetv.com ……
Follow these tips to ensure you keep your New Year’s resolution.1.Know that you will screw up. That’s inevitable, and okay. Acknowledge the mistake and then get back on track.2. Build mental strength ……
in the graphic above. To get yourself back on track after a tiring vacation, travel website Everywhereist has ……
重点讲解高考词汇track n. (录音带或CD等中的)一首乐曲;轨迹,轨道,常用词组get back on track表示“重新回到轨道上来”Tracks 6 and 11 are particularly good.I had to get my life back on track after the accident.tightly adv. 紧紧地,坚固地The luggage ……
is back on track. He will take the leading role in the film Ocean Paradise (《海洋天堂》) after dedicating most... on track)。新学期开始了,你的生活又回到正轨,你也可以说Life is back on track。Yao recovering wellYAO Ming's return from foot ……
示喜结连理。21STNew turn for LiMOVIE star Jet Li is back on track. He will take the leading role in the film Ocean... the father. 李连杰近来一直致力于慈善事业。但影星出身的他没忘记自己的老本行(back on track)。比如新学期开始了,你的生活又回到正轨,你可以说Life is back ……
"飞人"刘翔重返赛场!LIU Xiang is back on track (回到正轨).On September 20, he won second place in the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix (上海国际田径黄金大奖赛). The first place winner was Terrence Trammell of the US. It was Liu ……
期盼生活回归正轨。开学、解封、云旅游、直播带货……TEENS春季合刊, 与你一起关注“后疫情”时代的新生活方式。Back on track “后疫情”时代的生活Back on track “后疫情”时代的生活The pandemic is not over. Masks are still on. But life ……
;s Burger Stand for lunch. After finishing their meal, they left the restaurant and got back on track (重新... a distance before they could find a place to turn around to get her glasses. All the way back ……
的) Shanghai club back on track, Liu made headlines in mid-November after announcing he was about to leave... that led to the previous drama, and now we are back on track,” he told China Daily, adding he had never ……
高考链接高考词汇tough / adj. 坚强的He built up a reputation as a tough businessman.on track 在正确的轨道上It took some time to get the British economy back on track.reform / n. 改革He wants reform of the welfare ……
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