animals’ tails 包含8356个检索结果
! Elephants are huge (庞大的) and amazing animals, and their tails are quite special. They use their tails... are huge (庞大的) and amazing animals, and their tails are quite special. They use their tails to show ……
Monkeys and other primates (灵长类动物) have two types of tails. The first type of tail helps animals... help the animals grab (抓住) things. Animals can use their tails like an extra (额外的) arm. For example ……
Humans lost use for tails为什么人没有尾巴?Q: Why don't we have tails?A:We don't have tails because we don't need them. Animals use their tails for balance while walking on all fours, and forleverage(杠杆 ……
① _________ of tail can help the animals catch and hold things. Animals can use their tails like... and other primates (灵长类动物) have two types of tails. The first type of tail helps animals keep their balance ……
人类要重新“长”出尾巴了吗?Millions of years ago, humans had tails. But slowly, we lost them. Now Japanese scientists want to bring tails back. They made a robotic (机器的) tail. It can help old people keep ……
their tails without turning their heads!Most animals have round pupils (瞳孔). But goats’ pupils...山羊的瞳孔是个长方形!山羊的瞳孔是个长方形! Most animals have round pupils (瞳孔). But goats’ pupils ……
有趣的尾巴Lots of animals have tails. Tails can be all shapes and sizes. This cat has a long black tail. She waves (摇动) it when she is angry. This puppy has a short tail. He wags (摇摆) it when he is happy ……
故事简介许多动物都有尾巴。尾巴有各种形状和各种大小的。我们来一起认识一下它们的尾巴吧!有趣的尾巴Lots of animals have tails. Tails can be all shapes and sizes. This cat has a long black tail. She waves1 it when she is cross2. This puppy has a short ……
喵星人绝密档案Cats are mysterious (神秘的) animals. They are cute and clever. But sometimes they are also... much.Fun facts about tails Cats’ tails are long and furry (毛茸茸的). Cats use their tails to keep balance ……
with animals before taking Ahead with Tails classes, a program by Good Sense Dogs. The program is meant to help students develop kindness toward animals.Cooney has been leading Ahead with Tails for nearly ……
蜥蜴也“开屏”!It’s not always easy for animals to find partners. Male (雄性的) peacocks use their beautiful tails to attract females. The fan-throated lizard (蜥蜴) does something similar. Male lizards ……
to control (控制) the bulls. They hold the bulls’ tails in order to keep them moving in a straight...向). Racers have to fight to keep the animals under control. In order to make them go faster ……
have other uses. Animals’ tails are useful. They not only help them keep their balance...人类将重获尾巴?人类将重获尾巴?Can people have tails (尾巴)? Yes. Scientists at Keio University in Japan have built ……
信不信由你Some fish can taste (尝味道) with their tails. ……
spreading their tails (开屏)!Besides peacocks, there are also cats, squirrels (松鼠) and other animals... in a forest (森林) than an apartment. What’s more, there are many animals living in here, too!The most ……
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