a fish out of water 包含66129个检索结果
A fish out of waterSituationDave: Mary, how's your English class?Mary: I feel like a fish out of water. Everyone talks in English but I can't!How to useA fish out of water从字面上解释就是"离开了水的鱼"。当我们要表示自己"和所 ……
容一个人处于一切都顺利的环境。美国人常用的一个俗语却刚好和“如鱼得水”相反,他们说:a fish out of water。从字面上解释就是:没有水的鱼。你也许经历过这种场合:觉得很不自然,和周围的人或环境格格不入。俗语a fish out of water就是指这种感觉,它的意思是某人与所处的环境不融洽,感到很别扭或难堪。现学现用:Mike正问Betty周六的聚会怎么样,Betty说那 ……
a fish out of water.... of potatoes there was so much rice. Most strange (奇怪的) of all were the fish, just swimming around. If someone ……
如鱼离水,和周围的人或环境格格不入Jacky: Hey, Ella, how’s your summer holiday?Ella: Oh, it’s terrible. I am a fish out of water. My family went to the beach. But I can't swim.鱼离开了水肯定难受极了。所以这个短语的意思是某人和他所处的环境不融洽,使他 ……
not only historical events but also fine writing. GameFish Out of Water!The new mobile game from... out of the water and watch as it flies through the clouds and *skips merrily on the waves.21st ……
felt like a fish out of water.... was sweet. Most strange of all were the fish, just swimming around. If someone wanted to buy one ……
in schools, says Iain Couzin, a biologist at Princeton University, US.BONUS关于fish的词汇a fish out of water 不得其所的人 a big fish in a little pond 小地方里的大人物hook one's fish 如愿以偿21ST ……
in the south of France with my husband Keith and three small children, and I feel like a fish out of water...个周六的集市给了自己信心慢慢融入新环境的经历。关于不适和战胜困难都有哪些关键表达呢?我们一起来看看:关于不适和困难:(be/feel) like a fish out of water feel uncomfortable ……
husband Keith and three small children, and I feel like a fish out of water everywhere but one place... of France with my husband Keith and three small children, and I feel like a fish out of water everywhere ……
, but he’s taken to it like a duck to water. 我不确定他是否喜欢弹钢琴,但他弹起来驾轻就熟。 4. a fish out of water鱼离了水就不能生存,因此,a fish out of water表示“离水之鱼;在陌生环境不得其所的人”。She felt like a fish out of water ……
out of the water. 摩城唱片公司把其他所有唱片公司都比了下去。8. (be/feel) like a fish out of water8. (be/feel) like a fish out of water意为“如离水之鱼,(感到)生疏、不自在”意为“如离水之鱼,(感到)生疏、不自在”I felt like a fish out of water in my ……
ZHANG Yue is energetic, extroverted and aggressive. Yet she feels like a fish out of water, after....So what is corporate culture? How can you figure out what a company's culture is like before you ……
? _________________________5. What does the writer mean by saying “I really felt like a fish out of water...? _________________________3. Find out three things that the writer felt were strange in Chinese supermarkets ……
immigrants (移民). So, on the first day of orientation (适应期) I felt like a fish out of water. What makes...视野)”, to try to find a place for myself (to put the fish back into the water, as it were).I joined the Thai ……
children, and I feel like a fish out of water everywhere but one place – the Saturday street... a fish out of water feel uncomfortable because you feel you do not belong in a certain place ……
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