‘snakes’ help to explore the moon 包含5750个检索结果
°C at night and 150°C in the day.China will take three steps to explore the Moon. First, a spaceship...中国"漫游者"即将登陆月球。词数 240 测试见7版 建议阅读时间 7分钟IN 15 years, China plans to put its astronauts on the Moon ……
'Yutu' set to explore the moon 中国首辆月球车取名“玉兔”YUTU is a white rabbit who lives on the moon, according... (探测器) in early December. The rover will be aboard and is set to explore the moon. In September ……
探测器). Chang'e I, China's first lunar probe, crashed into the moon in a controlled collision at the end of a 16-month mission.Chang'e I hit the moon at 4:13 pm Beijing Time on March 1.Chang'e I began …… 2009年03月08日
. It will draw a 3D map of the moon and study the moon’s environment. It will also locate safe landing spots... of the China National Space Administration.“The moon exploration project is the third milestone (里程 ……
月亮正在缩小,引发月震。 词数352 建议阅读时间6分钟 测试见 IV版 Many of us think, wrongly, that the moon doesn’t change... in the journal Nature Geoscience shows that the moon is in fact slowly shrinking over time ……
我的中国梦我的中国梦The moon has always been mysterious (神秘的) and fascinating (迷人的) to Chinese people. It leads us to explore space (探索太空). Now China has taken a leading position (领先地位) in the world ……
exploration will not stop at the moon. We hope to explore and use space for more resources to promote human development,” he told Xinhua.Why do we explore the moon?Ouyang Ziyuan, senior advisor to the lunar ……
’ operations will be ended in 2024. The village would also help science and help humans to explore the solar...欧洲宇航局准备建立“月球村”。AT about 384,000 kilometers away, the moon has always been Earth’s closest friend ……
to help. A group of university students in the US made it.Scientists are hoping to explore the moon...帮助探索月球的小“蛇”帮助探索月球的小“蛇”Scientists are hoping to explore the moon’s south pole (南极). They believe ……
the moon for a year to analyze chemical and mineral composition (成分) and to explore the characteristics... after a legendary Chinese fairy who flew to the moon. It is expected to enter the Earth-moon ……
for the 1970s Apollo missions would allow residents to explore beyond the backyard of their moon... of one day living on the moon. NASA has said this could be a reality within the next 20 years. So what ……
Since the 1950s, NASA has done a lot to further our knowledge of the moon. Probes (探测器), lunar landers and even men have been successfully sent to the moon to explore it and conduct research ……
. * China will explore many 10. __________ on the moon. * The moon is the starting point of China.... * China will explore many 10. __________ on the moon. * The moon is the starting point of China’s deep ……
US scientists have put together the first comprehensive geologic map of the moon. NASAUS scientists have put together the first comprehensive geologic map of the moon. NASA史上最完整月球地质图展示3D月球。  ……
新一代登月太空服It’s been 51 years since man last landed on the moon, but now NASA (美国航空航天局) is planning... on the moon, but now NASA (美国航空航天局) is planning to return as part of its Artemis mission (阿尔 ……
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