据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国世界连锁快餐业巨头麦当劳公司计划今春在英国发起抗议活动,要求牛津英语词典更改一个“有损公司形象”的词条。这一英文单词是“McJob”,由麦当劳公司的英文名称“McDonald”与英文单词“job”(工作)合并派生而成。牛津英语词典对该单词的定义是:“低收入和没有前途的乏味工作,尤其是由于服务行业的扩张而带来的工作。”麦当劳公司发言人沃尔特赖克说,这一解释“完全 ……
, many of whom said that the new name sounds like a traditional Chinese brand. 对于麦当劳改名,媒体和网友给出了多个解释,其中一个是:麦当劳金色拱门形状的标志在西方有个著名的昵称“Golden Arches”,直译过来就是“金拱门”。 ……
西安麦当劳遭遇爆炸与索赔A FAMILY in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, has won a lawsuit (诉讼) against the local McDonald's fast food restaurant. In an accident in the restaurant in September, the family's five-year-old ……
麦当劳改名炸出一堆段子手。It’s not easy for a foreign brand (品牌) to choose a good Chinese name. On Oct 12, McDonald’s in China changed its company name into Jingongmen (金拱门), or Golden Arches. But many people don ……
the 10 minutes' rest they have every 45 minutes.下期讨论话题:有农村老师反映中小学教材太“洋气”,譬如提到“麦当劳”与“肯德基”等,农村学生根本不知道。你如何看待这一现象?下期讨论话题:有农村老师反映中小学教材太“洋气”,譬如提到“麦当劳”与“肯德基”等,农村学生根本不知道。你如何看待这一现象?下期讨论话题:有农村老师反映中小学教材太“洋气”,譬如 ……
麦当劳将首次在英美等五个国家推出送餐上门服务。 Perhaps you have enjoyed the food delivery (送餐) service from McDonald’s in China. But people in many Western countries are not so lucky. The fast food restaurant only began ……
麦当劳改名引发段子狂欢。Picking a Chinese name can be tricky for foreign brands (品牌). On Oct 12, McDonald’s in China changed its business name to Jingongmen (金拱门), or Golden Arches. The restaurant said the new ……
, many of whom made fun of the new name and said it sounds like a traditional Chinese brand. 对于麦当劳改名,媒体给出了多个解释,其中一个是:麦当劳金色拱门形状的标志在西方有个著名的昵称“Golden Arches”,直译过来就是“金拱门”。Worldrobot citizen机器人公民Sophia ……
麦当劳“攻入”卢浮宫。法国人引以为傲的传统文化受到挑战。词数 166 建议阅读时间 3分钟WOULD you like fries with that painting? That's the choice that visitors to the Louvre (卢浮宫) in Paris will have when they enter the museum through its ……
TUCHONGVegetables are being used as substitutes for the popular food itemsVegetables are being used as substitutes for the popular food items法国麦当劳的薯条将不再使用土豆法国麦当劳的薯条将不再使用土豆词数 230 建议阅读时间 3 ……
是选择饺子,还是选择"巨无霸"?看中西式快餐谁领风骚?Wang Yonghui (student): I like the children's series at McDonald's (麦当劳), because I can not only have my favourite food but I can also collect a series of toys ……
尝尝麦当劳,常常欢笑?LENG Xiwu, a senior engineer in Beijing, was surprised at McDonald's increasing its prices.The fast food company just raised the cost of its popularBig Mac(巨无霸) hamburger and other food ……
麦当劳:个别餐馆过期食品翻新再售,食品安全问题引担忧。词数 250 建议阅读时间 5分钟“DELICIOUS” might be the word on many people’s lips after they eat a salty chicken wing. But “delicious” means something a little different to staff (员工 ……
瞧,世界杯上的“小小中国队”!FIFA世界杯的全球赞助商麦当劳公司独家赞助“FIFA世界杯球童选拔活动”。How are you going to enjoy the FIFA World Cup (国际足联世界杯) this year? Six kids from China are going to Brazil (巴西) on July 7. They will be the ball ……
麦当劳鸡肉与抗生素的故事。MCDONALD’S, one of the world’s largest restaurant chains, recently made a big decision. On March 9, the company announced that its chicken suppliers in the US would stop using human ……