现在,绝大部分国内客机在飞机起飞及落地前使用英语广播词。英文广播能更好地帮助外国友人正确理解机舱内乘客应遵守的规则,降低人为造成的不安全隐患。但是,目前飞机上的英语广播语言存在很多不规范的地方。笔者现以某航班上使用的飞机起飞前的英语广播词为例进行点评,仅供参考。英文原文(节选):Welcome.Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning (afternon ……
Fly! Fly far! Boys and girls from Hong Kong fly 1,665 paper planes. ……
的又一次太空飞行即将开始。美国国家航空航天局(NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration)日前宣布,“发现”号航天飞机(Space Shuttle Discovery)将于7月1日发射升空。“发现”号此次飞行的任务之一是测试改进后航天飞机安全措施的有效性。它还将为国际空间站(ISS: International Space Station)送去 ……
The Earth runs about 30 kilometers(公里) a second(秒).这大约是波音飞机飞行速度的100倍. Can you feel it? ……
最小的直升飞机。THIS is the smallest helicopter in the world. The GEN H-4 from Japan weighs 70kg. It’s about as heavy as an adult (成年人). It can carry only one person. 21ST ……
迪士尼飞机This is a real plane. People painted (彩绘) Disney cartoon characters (卡通人物) on it. This Disney plane will fly between Beijing and Shanghai. People will make another five Disney planes ……
在机场see somebody off 为某人送行check in 办理登机手续gate 登机口 baggage 行李wing 机翼 tail 机尾take off 起飞 land 降落airsick晕机The plane arrived on time. 飞机准时到达。The plane is delayed. 飞机晚点了。 ……
屋顶上的“航天飞机”。HUANG Yuzhan, 63, is a farmer in Jiexi county, Guangdong. He has dreamt of being... never forgot it. That’s why he built a replica (复制品) of an American space shuttle (航天飞机) on his roof ……
VCG 国产大飞机C919交付,有多重要?国产大飞机C919交付,有多重要?China’s first domestically-built passenger jet is finally being put into use China’s first domestically-built passenger jet is finally being put ……
: 起落架4. Correct answer: c)a) the head: 船上的洗手间b) the fuselage:机身c) the nose: 飞机前端d) the tail: 机尾5. Correct answer: a)a) the cockpit: 驾驶员座舱b) the galley: 飞机上的厨房c) the cabin:飞机客舱d) the hold: 货舱6. Correct ……
大本营 airport 飞机场trip 旅途 生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营airport 飞机场trip 旅途 airport 飞机场airport 飞机 ……
Ueli flies like a bird. He is wearing his wingsuit (飞行衣). He jumps from an airplaine at 4,500m high. 之后用5分45秒独立飞行了17.6公里。Then he lands on a runway (飞机跑道) at an airport. ……
Use the letters in the soup bowl to fill in the spaces. Make them into seven vehicles (车辆). Each letter can appear only once.KEY:tractor (拖拉机), train, aeroplane (飞机), bicycle, bus, truck, scooter (滑板车) ……
世界最大太阳能飞机Look at this plane! It gets power5 from the sun. Swiss engineers (瑞士的工程师) made it. It takes to the sky for the first time. It flies for 26 hours and nine minutes. ……
气球飞机John Cassidy is from the US. He likes making things with balloons. He is good at it. He made the world’s largest balloon plane out of 434 balloons. It’s about 4 meters long. It took John more ……