of the people who have embarked on a one-hundred-mile journey may fall by the wayside (行百里者半九十)”. Even... by the wayside (行百里者半九十)”. Even if people have traveled 90 miles, that’s the same as only walking half ……
toward this goal.行百里者半九十。中华民族伟大复兴,绝不是轻轻松松、敲锣打鼓就能实现的。We must not forget that housing is for living ……
: As the old Chinese saying goes, "A journey 90 percent completed is still only half done." (行百里者半九十 ……
work) ”。2017年10月18日,习总书记在十九大报告中指出:“行百里者半九十(The last leg of a journey just marks the halfway point ……
日,习总书记在十九大报告中指出:“行百里者半九十(The last leg of a journey just marks the halfway point)”。他意在表明,中华民族的伟大复兴,绝不 ……
席说:“幸福是奋斗出来的(Happiness is achieved through hard work) ”。2017年10月18日,习总书记在十九大报告中指出:“行百里者半九十(The last leg ……
腐的堤坝正在构筑Moral defenses against corruption are in the making.⑧行百里者半九十The last leg of a journey marks ……