获得进一步深造和职业发展的机会。头脑风暴(Brainstorming)有时也译作“大脑风暴”,意为调动一群人围绕一个主题集思广益,产生新观点的过程。头脑风暴可以运用到英语教学中,它可以用于课堂开始的热身活动,能让...写属于创造性技能productive skills)。在阅读教学中,教师可以采用“头脑风暴”,激发学生联想与主题相关的单词,来开拓学生的思路。头脑风暴 ……
美国科幻动作巨片The. Incredible. ……
三十年锻造长篇奇幻作品 七卷本上演惊悚史诗故事
记者近日从人民文学出版社获悉,该社已经从英国安德鲁纳伯格联合国际有限公司(Andrew. Nurnberg)引进了美国恐怖惊悚小说之王斯蒂芬金(Stephen. King)七卷本《黑暗塔》(The. ……
上海译文出版社于近日独家引进并翻译出版了美国畅销军事作家汤姆克兰西的6部精彩作品,其中包括由著名军事专家、中国国防大学战略军事学教授张召忠领衔翻译的《猎杀“红十月”号》,以及两部最近进入纽约时报畅销书排行榜的《虎牙》和《影子武士》. 汤姆克兰西的系列小说中,有多部作品已经被推上银幕,由超级明星哈里森福特主演的《爱国者游戏》《惊天核网》和《燃眉追击》,票房都创下了过亿的罕见纪录. 克兰西凭借自己的一系列军事题材作品,赢得了军事小说大师的美誉,和同一时代专写惊悚恐怖小说的斯蒂芬金,专写犯罪及法律题材的约翰格里森姆,以及医学出身、创作了《侏罗纪公园》的迈克尔克里顿齐名. 美国前总统老布什曾盛赞“汤姆克兰西对文学世界的贡献可以同他对美国国家安全所作的贡献相媲美”. ……
ON a sunny day a ship was in the harbor (港口). Suddenly the ship began to go under the water. There was no storm (风暴) and nothing wrong with the ship. It went down right in front of people's eyes ……
大惊小怪Tim: Ella is crying so hard. Is she OK?Jacky: Don’t worry. It’s just a storm in a teacup. Her mom didn’t buy the shoes she wants.风暴是危险的,但是如果风暴发生在茶杯里的就没什么危险了。 所以 a storm in a cup 的意思是大惊小怪。 ……
“怪物”风暴*Hurricane Sandy, one of the biggest storms ever to hit the US, is *lashing several big...而成,中文媒体翻译为“怪物风暴”。 ……
very hard.The question was: In astorm(风暴) why does the lightning come first, and thethunder(雷声) second ……
太阳风暴:地球的一大劲敌。 IMAGINE a perfect day: the weather is good and everything seems fine. When, suddenly... with your computer. What has happened? These are just the types of problems a solar storm (太阳风暴) might cause ……
contribute to造成Hard work contributes to his bad health.工作太辛苦是造成他健康恶化的一个原因。wreak on带来(灾难)The storm wreaked a havoc on the city. Roads were flooded and traffic came to a stop.风暴给这座城市带来了灾难。道路被淹,交通停滞不前。 ……
头脑风暴:圆球到底有多重?Here are five balls. They have different weights — 1kg, 2kg, 3kg, 4kg and 5kg. Look at the pictures. Do you know the weight of each ball? How many striped (条纹的) balls should we put ……
VCGVCG A man walked on the street in Derna, Libya, on Sept 17. A strong storm (风暴) hit... on-going.A man walked on the street in Derna, Libya, on Sept 17. A strong storm (风暴) hit Libya on Sept 10 ……
狂风暴雨Super *typhoon Rammasun brought gales and downpours to Hainan, Guangdong, Yunnan and Guangxi and had killed 38 people by Monday, CCTV reported. Rammasun has been the strongest typhoon to hit ……
狂风暴雨Typhoon Mujigae has left at least 11 people dead and 223 injured in South China since it made landfall in Guangdong on Oct 4, Xinhua reported. The *casualties were caused by *tornadoes triggered ……
秋天的时令食物让人食指大动!PAGES 4-5Crabs, lotus roots and pears make up the tasty, colorful menu for a healthy autumn. But you might need to learn some skills before cracking open a crab. Raging sun太阳风暴 ……