歌曲大赛、配音大赛、学术讲座、外文电影展播、翻译大赛、知识竞赛等。相对于上述“老牌”的传统节目,北外英语节推出的“DV创意赛”、南开大学的英文京剧表演、北京师范大学的“异域风情街”都令人耳目一新。北外...即将迎来奥运的城市——真实而珍贵的纪录。播放结束后作者精彩的英文讲述也十分引人入胜。北师大外语节的“异域风情街”则以文字、图片、模型、服饰、舞蹈、音像等形式展示了法国、韩国、西班牙、德国等不同国家的风俗文化。外语 ……
Bangkok (曼谷) is the capital of Thailand. It is very different from Guangzhou. There are many temples (寺庙) in Bangkok. ……
咖啡一直是西方饮品的主角,在中国逐渐普及起来是在20世纪80年代. 国际咖啡组织的有关人士在日前举办的中国国际咖啡酒吧产业博览会新闻发布会上作出预测,中国即将成为全球最重要的咖啡消费市场. 据悉,首届中国国际咖啡酒吧产业博览会将于明年在北京举行,届时将有60多个国家和地区的国际机构和企业参会,国内也将有近600家参展商参与交流. “咖啡”一词源自希腊语“Kaweh”,意思是“力量与热情”. ……
说起意大利,你也许会联想到举世闻名的比萨斜塔(The. Leaning. Tower. of. ……
The Xingu Indian (欣古印第安人) chief (middle) of a local tribe takes photographs of a performance in front of the Indigenous Museum in Brasilia (巴西利亚民俗风情博物馆), Brazil (巴西), on November 19. The performance ……
异语风情节让我们体验国外文化。STUDENTS at Beijing National Day School are international. On Oct 24, the school held the International Festival. Foreign language programs (节目) like singing Japanese songs and playing ……
飞儿乐团《亚特兰蒂斯》演绎古希腊风情F.I.R. just released their sixth album, Chapter VI Atlantis, (《第六章——亚特兰蒂斯》) on April 15. The band made a music video for the album at a Taiwan museum. Many sets look like ancient ……
上海“罗马假日”尽展意大利风情DO you want to see Italy's famousarchitecture(建筑), taste typical Italian food, watch Italian street performances? Now you don't have to go to Italy because Shanghai is holding ……
慕尼黑啤酒节上,人们尽情开怀畅饮,享受美食,感受浓郁的德国民族风情!MORE than six millionlitres(升) of beer and 200,000sausages(香肠) — no one will be hungry at the Oktoberfest!The world's largest beer festival is going on in Munich ……
out on May 12. She learnt new dance steps in the US. The dancing also has a Middle-Eastflavour(风情 ……
and Scarlett Johansson.Sultry在这里意为“迷人的,风情万种的”,此外它还可以形容天气湿热难耐的,如a sultry summer afternoon。佩内洛普• ……
游学古都西安,探寻文化地标,感受历史风情。Traveling is a good way to learn. On a sunny day, we began a four-day field trip to Xi’an, Shaanxi. Xi’an is in the northwest of China. Years ago, it was the capital for many ……
MUSIC周杰伦发布新歌,尽显浪漫拉丁风情。周杰伦发布新歌,尽显浪漫拉丁风情。Twenty years have flown by since pop star Jay Chou released his... (拉丁风情). In the video, Chou rides in a pink vintage car (老爷车) with his friends. They are joined ……
Wang Yizhen in the UK. PROVIDED TO TEENSWang Yizhen in the UK. PROVIDED TO TEENS研学英国,感受不一样的校园生活和人文风情。研学英国,感受不一样的校园生活和人文风情。When I was cleaning my desk, I saw a picture from my study tour in the UK ……
Fang Feiyu sees the beautiful sight of nine suns in a river in Xinjiang. PROVIDED TO TEENS Traveling far from homeTraveling far from home领略新疆风情,感悟人文韵味领略新疆风情,感悟人文韵味词数 200 词数 200  ……