《雨人》:感人至深的兄弟情。RAIN Man is a film about family. In it, famous actor Tom Cruise plays the main character, Charlie, and Dustin Hoffman plays his brother. Charlie works in the car business and his ……
in many hit movies such as "Rain Man" (《雨人》) and "Mission: Impossible" (《谍中谍》).He has two adopted (收养 ……
lawyer from the American South in the movie The Rainmaker (《造雨人》), he went to Tennessee and worked ……
’s The Rainmaker (《造雨人》) as an idealistic (理想主义的) young lawyer in the American South. To perform his role better ……
’s career finally took off when he played a young lawyer in the American South in The Rainmaker (1997,《造雨人 ……
finally took off when he played a young lawyer in the American South in The Rainmaker (1997,《造雨人 ……
在电影《雨人》(Rain Man)中,查理(Charlie)在高中时与父亲关系紧张,后来甚至父子反目断绝关系。一天他被告知父亲去世了,三百万元遗产的受益者是住在疗养院、患有自闭症的雷蒙(Raymond)。查理大失所望,极其愤怒,准备打一场捍卫自己权利的遗产争夺战。后来他发现,原来雷蒙是小时候保护他、安慰他的亲哥哥。逐渐,血缘的亲情打破了原有的疏离,真挚 ……