Week 3 (April 8-14)This week, the torch (火炬)flies to America (美洲), Africa (非洲) and back to Asia (亚洲). There are four stops:Stop 6: 美国旧金山7: 阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯8: 坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆9: 阿曼首都马斯喀特(亚洲) ……
早起的阿曼达故事简介清晨,阿曼达早早地就起床了。她在厨房遇见了奶奶。早饭过后,她们互相帮忙,在花园里摘了花,拿了邮件。阿曼达和奶奶约定明天还要起早在厨房见。Amanda woke up early. Everyone else was sleeping. She went to the kitchen (厨房) and Grandmother was there. They ate ……
阿曼达和姥姥故事简介一天,阿曼达起得非常早,她和姥姥一起吃早饭,一起取信,一起读书。 她们相互帮助,阿曼达觉得非常开心。Amanda woke1 up early. Everyone else was sleeping. She went to the kitchen and Grandmother was there. They ate breakfast. “Let’s go ……
漫天的大雪故事简介外面下了好大的雪,这可是阿曼达见过的最大的雪了。堆一座雪城堡?滑雪橇?还是堆一只雪猪?爸爸、奥利弗和阿曼达在雪地里玩得不亦乐乎呢!It snowed all day and all night. “Look at all that snow!” said Oliver. Amanda looked out her window. She could not see ……
故事简介外面下了好大的雪,这可是小猪阿曼达见过的最大的雪了。堆一座雪城堡?滑雪橇?还是堆一只雪猪?爸爸、奥利弗和阿曼达在雪地里玩得不亦乐乎呢!It snowed all day and all night. “Look at all that snow!” said Oliver. Amanda looked out her window. She could not see anything ……
prisoner, 在这里特指“垂头丧气”。俚语down in the dumps也表示“无精打采,闷闷不乐”。 阿曼达·拜恩斯刚庆祝完26岁生日就因酒驾被捕,她目前的人生犹如坐过云霄飞车,悲喜交集!21st ……
and they don’t speak on social issues. But is that true? A Man (阿曼), writing in the Beijing News, says ……
the historic goal against Oman(阿曼) , he became a national hero. And Chinese football finally achieved its ……
是不准确的描述”,同时也是对50年来创造无数就业岗位的麦当劳公司和公司劳工的羞辱。麦当劳公司女发言人阿曼达皮尔斯表示,为了更改这个“过时”的词条,抗议活动将于5月份开始,延续时间根据活动的“范围 ……
. Demonstration (示范) plants are already running in Oman (阿曼) and the United Arab Emirates (阿拉 ……
of the UK. This year’s prize was awarded on May 21 to Omani (阿曼的) author Jokha Alharthi for her novel ……
the most progress in the past 40 years is Oman (阿曼). It improved a lot in health and education. China ……
more time with our families and to buy daily necessities online.- 嗨,阿曼达。我还不错,但是现在没人敢出门聚会或者和朋友玩儿了。我们... online.- 嗨,阿曼达。我还不错,但是现在没人敢出门聚会或者和朋友玩儿了。我们倒是能有更多的时间陪伴家人,而且还要在网上买些日用品。- It sounds like you ……
more time with our families and to buy daily necessities online.- 嗨,阿曼达。我还不错,但是现在没人敢出门聚会或者和朋友玩儿了。我们... online.- 嗨,阿曼达。我还不错,但是现在没人敢出门聚会或者和朋友玩儿了。我们倒是能有更多的时间陪伴家人,而且还要在网上买些日用品。- It sounds like you ……
尼玛》,阿曼达著): I learnt all about Tibet — its history and customs from this book.*City of Fantasy(《幻城》,郭敬 ……