他们是史上最浪漫的银屏情侣。The romance of Jack and Rose appealed to millions and helped make Titanic one of the most successful films of all time.Now Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet have been named the most ……
阔别五年的莱昂那多再掀银屏风暴,以成长积淀的智慧更好地把握事业和生活。阔别五年的莱昂那多再掀银屏风暴,以成长积淀的智慧更好地把握事业和生活。ALTHOUGH still baby-faced at 28 years old, Hollywood lover, Leonardo DiCaprio, holds the belief: "A little older, a little wiser ……
wanted next, he replied: "an Oscar."Potter returns《哈利·波特》再度闪亮银屏BOY wizard (巫师) Harry Potter will cast his ……
tosmallpox(天花). No one has died of the disease.Films lead to smoking银屏吸烟镜头对青少年影响很大TEENAGERS who watch ……
银屏拉近了英勇无畏、忠诚正直的亚瑟王与我们之间的距离。ONE of Britain's most importantlegendary(传奇的) figures, King Arthur, has made it to the big screen. But this new Hollywood production is quite different from the traditional ……
《星游记》时隔六年重返银屏,故事笑中带泪,回味悠长。 词数 268 建议阅读时间 5分钟 “Once you’ve made a promise, you have to live up to it.” That’s what Macdon told Dia.The Chinese cartoon Rainbow Sea (《星游记》, 2011) is a story about ……
(something),即“结束、完成”。不少观众在《极限挑战》中见证了张艺兴的成长。而银屏下,张艺兴更是影视歌全面开花,成为很多年轻人的正能量偶像。 ……
加菲猫"进军"好莱坞,慵懒的睡眼、搞笑的语言和十足的自信成为征服银屏的杀手锏。加菲猫"进军"好莱坞,慵懒的睡眼、搞笑的语言和十足的自信成为征服银屏的杀手锏。HE'S awisecracking(爱说俏皮话), nap-taking, coffee-drinking cat. He's Garfield, one of the most successful cartoon characters ……
and thesilver screen(银屏). As if her list of achievements is not long enough, Alba was voted the world ……
片大卖到环球巡演,还在诺兰新片《敦刻尔克》献出银屏首秀。 ……
in the Chinese mainland on Sept 1.Kick off 指(一项活动或一个计划)开始。单飞后的斯泰尔斯成绩斐然,不但唱片大卖、环球巡演,还在诺兰新片《敦刻尔克》献出银屏首秀。First ……
定语从句,修饰先行词child star。释义:无论达科塔·范宁在银屏上塑造了多少角色,她仍需处理现实生活中的问题,就像其他在公众关注下长大的童星一样,她不得不努力去满足人们的期望。v This is why ……
我们要学习The Silver Screen这个单元以及与银屏有关的知识。”利用音乐导入新课令学生感到轻松愉快。实际上,开场白的方法很多。不同题材的课文有不同的开场白,同一篇课文,也有不同的开场白,如Scientific ……