weather that lasts for several days or even weeks”.b) boiling (酷热的): It’s boiling. Let’s have some drink first. (天气太热了,我们先喝口水吧。)c) scorching (灼热的)d) sweltering (闷热的)6. Correct answer: A breeze ……
. The Australian version has lyrics (歌词) like: “Christmas in Australia on a scorching (酷热的) summer... Bells. The Australian version has lyrics (歌词) like: “Christmas in Australia on a scorching (酷热的 ……
. They will ________ go to the concert this weekend.6. She almost can ________ any kind of torrid(酷热的) days.7. How ……
.---------------------------------------denuclearizationblistering 酷热的handpick 用手挑选, 精选hike 增加 ……
.---------------------------------------canoe 独木舟dampen 使沮丧sweltering 酷热的 ……
; to “Christmas in Australia on a scorching (酷热的) summer’s day”. Another line is: &ldquo...; to “Christmas in Australia on a scorching (酷热的) summer’s day”. Another line ……
的frost: 霜hot close: 闷热dog days: 三伏天muggy:闷热的sweltering:酷热的rain downpour: 倾盆大雨drizzle:下毛毛雨shower: 阵雨wind ……
the scorching (酷热的) sun of Miami. My friends and I felt close to passing out just sitting there, while ……
让几部精彩的电影伴你度过这个酷热的暑假。《烈火·英雄》Release date: Aug 1, 2019 (Chinese mainland)The Bravest is a drama based on a real-life event – a fire that happened in Dalian on July 16, 2010. An oil pipeline (油管) caught ……
QIANTUQIANTU好读书,读好书,让这几本书陪你度过酷热的假期好读书,读好书,让这几本书陪你度过酷热的假期Reading is one of the best ways to spend the summer holiday. Here, we have picked three fiction books from Time magazine’s list ……
正下着瓢泼大雨。/今天超级热!/外面冷极了。Scorching意为“酷热的”。1. – What’s the weather like today?&ndash...; 今天天气怎么样?— 现在正下着瓢泼大雨。/今天超级热!/外面冷极了。Scorching意为“酷热的”。2. The moment I go out, I feel ……
), storms, scorching (酷热的) days ... extreme weather is becoming more and more common all over the world.Floods, droughts (干旱), storms, scorching (酷热的) days ... extreme weather is becoming more and more ……
过度, 超速传动 sweltering 闷热的, 酷热的 tsunami 海啸 unparalleled 无比的, 无双的 wean 使断奶, 使丢弃Tips这是一篇典型的新闻分析文章(news...那些停机的核反应堆不重新开机,将会在明年春天时导致全行业的停产。核电曾经为日本提供三分之一的电力。炎热的天气,热度还将攀升的报道,以及对冬季用电高峰来临时缺电的恐慌,这三者可能削减公众对重开核反应堆的抵触。执政 ……
酷热的夏日,能够置身北外,聆听知名专家的讲座,分享“智慧的盛宴”,我感到十分幸运。七天的培训学习紧张而忙碌。虽然与付学军教授的思想碰撞仅有一天时间,但她的讲座让我深受触动。 以前我也曾被问到过这样的问题:“你思考过学生学不好英语或不爱学英语的原因吗?”一时间,家长不支持、学习环境不好、教材难度大等诸多原因脱口而出。但是,当我听到付学军教授讲述了“追公交车效应”之后,我才意识到:的确,以前 ……