XINHUAXINHUA曼城逆转取胜,卫冕英超冠军曼城逆转取胜,卫冕英超冠军Manchester City makes a stunning comeback to secure the English Premier League title. How did they achieve this feat?Manchester City makes a stunning comeback ……
喀麦隆猎豹带领国米神奇逆转。INTER Milan (国际米兰) soccer player Samuel Eto’o scored a goal on March 16. The 30-year-old helped his team beat Bayern Munich (拜仁慕尼黑) in the 2011 Champions League. He hopes Inter can keep ……
扭转局势的概率只有不到一成,然而勇士队在库里的带领下奇迹般地实现了逆转。文中turn the tide指“逆转”。 ……
down to win the final, according to Forbes. A remarkable comeback意为“惊天逆转”。类似表达还有turn the tide/table, pull out of the fire等。A remarkable comeback意为“惊天逆转”。类似表达还有turn the tide ……
, she almost fell again at the X-Men: Days of Future Past (《X战警:逆转未来》) premiere (首映) in New York ……
. Regnant意思是“统治性的”,近义词有dominant, reigning等。在美国站比赛逆转队友罗斯伯格后,汉密尔顿捧起本赛季第十个分站奖杯,也提前卫冕F1年度总冠军。 ……
“后来居上”。近义词组有stage a comeback,表示“逆转”。日本选手大坂直美在美网女单决赛中逆转夺冠。至此,她已...居上”。近义词组有stage a comeback,表示“逆转”。日本选手大坂直美在美网女单决赛中逆转夺冠。至此,她已成为夺得大满贯单打冠军次数最多的亚洲选手。  ……
behind表示“后来居上”。表示在比赛中“逆转”的词组还有stage a comeback。在2020ATP世界巡回赛年终总决赛中,俄罗斯选手梅德韦杰夫在先丢一盘的情况下,以2:1逆转,首次夺冠。Come from behind表示“后来居上”。表示在比赛中“逆转”的词组还有stage ……
词数 240 建议阅读时间 6分钟X战警穿越时空,逆转未来。Have you noticed the X-men in the world of superheroes... future of mutants? Go to watch X-Men: Days of Future Past (《X战警:逆转未来》) and have a thrilling (激动 ……
was losing by two goals (进球) with only 15 minutes left. However, they made an “epic comeback (惊人的逆转..., they made an “epic comeback (惊人的逆转)”, as ESPN said. How epic? They scored three goals ……
was Real Madrid.Turn the tables意为“扭转局面”,同义表达有reverse the tide。巴塞罗那老将莱万多夫斯基宝刀未老,在对阵瓦伦西亚的比赛中完成帽子戏法,逆转比赛。Turn the tables意为“扭转局面”,同义表达有reverse the tide。巴塞罗那老将莱万多夫斯基宝刀未老,在对阵瓦伦西亚的比赛中完成帽子戏法,逆转比赛。 ……
with the most important."时间就是生命。它既无法逆转又不可替代。浪费时间就等于虚度年华;做时间的主人, 就是要把握人生,并使其充实完善。"——阿兰·莱金(美著名作家)送你 ……
at the University of Leeds in the UK that can reverse (逆转) tooth decay (腐烂). It allows the teeth to rebuild ……
for Microsoft in 2012.”–USA TodayTide-turning指“扭转局势的“。口语中还经常说The tide is turning来表示”形势逆转“。 ……
the tide against the South Korean team. turn the tide指“扭转局势”。 19岁中锋周琦横空出世让球迷对中国男篮的未来充满信心。他帮助中国队在亚锦赛对阵韩国的硬仗中实现逆转 ……