《微光城市》(City of Ember)的背景设定在一次浩劫之后的未来世界。科学家们建造了一座能够自给自足的地下城市以躲过灾难。城内巨大的发电机提供着唯一的光亮,人们相信,外面的世界再没有光明。然而随着城市破败,恐慌开始蔓延。一对年少好友Lina和Doon经常在如迷宫般的城市地下管道中玩耍。一次,他们偶然发现一份残破的文件,拼凑起来,竟然发现那是走出“微光市”的指引。难道 ……
wonders — the Great Wall. You can also enjoy Peking Opera, eat roast duck, visit the maze-like (迷宫般的 ……
wonders — the Great Wall. You can also enjoy Peking Opera, eat roast duck, visit the maze-like (迷宫般的 ……
wonders — the Great Wall. You can also enjoy Peking Opera, eat roast duck, visit the maze-like (迷宫般的 ……
we walked through a maze of (迷宫般的) market stalls (小摊) and laneways (巷道) to find what we thought ……
we walked through a maze of (迷宫般的) market stalls (小摊) and laneways (巷道) to find what we thought ……
. And the time when we walked through a maze of (迷宫般的) market stalls (小摊) and laneways (巷道) to find what we ……