有国外中文媒体评论上海世博会说:“在走上世界舞台的三年进程中,中国取得了三连胜:2008年的北京奥运会、2009年的建国六十周年阅兵式、2010年的上海世博会。”笔者见到了这样的译文:China....这一译文有几处值得商榷。首先,笔者想探讨一下“三连胜”的译法。如果要表达一连打了三个胜仗,“三连胜”当然可译为win three victories in succession;如果 ……
詹姆斯助热火创NBA历史第二长连胜纪录。MARCH 19 was a wonderful day for the Miami Heat. In the 2013 NBA season, Miami... and helped his team to their 23rd straight win (连胜). The team’s good luck continued (继续). On March 21 ……
.-----------------------------------streak: 连胜或者连败 ……
“保持连续获胜,或延续不败神话“,近义词组有maintaining an unbeaten record。 五连胜则可以说a fifth straight victory或a fifth successive win。曼联神奇大胜切尔西,以连胜获得史上最佳开局之一。 ……
. The 33-year-old helped his team record a third straight victory (三连胜). Bryant’s nose was broken.... 面具。 科比虽然鼻梁受伤而不得不带面具参加比赛,但其表现却相当给力,不但带领球队取得三连胜,其场均得分也都在30分左右。 ……
火箭队22连胜的秘诀在哪里?TWENTY-two wins in a row (连续). That is a great record (记录). The NBA hasn't seen that in 40 years. But the Rockets did just that!The Rockets won the last 10 games without Yao Ming ……
minutes per game. He has led (带领) the Clippers to an 11-game winning streak (连胜). ……
现在又出现这么个状况,常用来表示对突发状况的无奈与气愤。口语中常用。winning streak: 连胜。后文的"won 15 games in a row"(15场连胜)是连胜的另一种表达。step ……
: 连胜或连败Bad startRockets fizzle outTHE Houston Rockets have been the most disappointing team ……
打败的,不败的。其词根是beat。德约科维奇本赛季已经24场连胜,可谓状态神勇。如果继续保持这样的势头,本赛季ATP年终总冠军舍他其谁? ……
them to a seven-game winning streak (连胜), broke out. And it looks like he is continuing to blaze...疑是继2012年带领纽约尼克斯队取得七连胜后,他又一次取得的重要成就。 ……
中国女排11连胜,创造奇迹。It’s rare to see a team earn 11 straight wins (连胜) in a tournament (锦标赛). However, the Chinese women’s volleyball team has done it! On Sept 29, China took the Women’s Volleyball World ……
”替换,原指在赌博中赢得桌上所有赌注, 引申为”大获全胜”之意。He has swept the board this award season. 2. straight win 该短语表示“连胜”,win 11 straight matches/titles 表示“十一连胜”。China swept Kenya for it’s 8th straight win in the Women ……
”替换,原指在赌博中赢得桌上所有赌注, 引申为“大获全胜”之意。He has swept the board this award season. 2. straight win 该短语表示“连胜”,win 11 straight matches/titles 表示“十一连胜”。China swept Kenya for it’s 8th straight win in the Women ……
无人能否认他在车场上所向披靡。此次完成八连胜的壮举,超越“车王”舒马赫指日可待。 ……