Excessive (过度的) usage of mobile phones is believed to be a serious problem among young people. Luckily, many young US people have realized the problem and tried to cut down the usage. ……
Excessive (过度的) usage of mobile phones is believed to be a serious problem among young people. People in the US spend 4.7 hours using their cellphone each day on average. They use about 20 GB of data ……
Excessive (过度的) usage of mobile phones is believed to be a serious problem among young people.... TEENSExcessive (过度的) usage of mobile phones is believed to be a serious problem among young people.People ……
will be reduced by 58 percent, while that for mooncakes will be cut down by 42 percent.Excessive是形容词,意为“过度的...可作动词,表示“把......打包/装箱,以便出售,包装产品或想法”等。Excessive是形容词,意为“过度的;过分的。Excessive competition 过度 ……
, but when combined with excessive (过度的) computer use, the risk increases to 80 percent. ... percent, but when combined with excessive (过度的) computer use, the risk increases to 80 percent.  ……
in their family. They are spoilt (宠坏) by the excessive (过度的) love and care they receive from ……
either get some exercise or spend some time with friends. You might feel overworked (劳累过度的), so ……
摘自: Just ask[Meghan Horihan, 21世纪学生英文报·初二版]
. Their targets are private training schools that bring students excess workloads (过度的作业量) and pressure ……
nanny state (管理过度的国家),nanny shortage (保姆荒)。 ……
rules can cause serious problems. Children may be under extreme pressure because of excessive (过度的 ……
of the norm can make you a target – anything that brings undue (过度的) attention to yourself,” US... out of the norm can make you a target – anything that brings undue (过度的) attention ……
to her excessive (过度的) drinking. Her memory issues call into question her reliability &ndash... excessive (过度的) drinking. Her memory issues call into question her reliability – especially after ……
with a reader of your age to help solve your problems. 我该如何“治疗”过度的完美主义?我该如何“治疗”过度的完美主义?Q:Q:I am a perfectionist (完美主义者). When my friends and I work on a group project ……
学校:厦门外国语学校组织老师: 黄青, 周玮YESChen Xuan, 16The art grade examination system has created excessive (过度的...外国语学校组织老师: 黄青, 周玮YESChen Xuan, 16The art grade examination system has created excessive (过度的 ……
of nociception (伤害性感受) to the excessive (过度的) drinking of alcohol. My role as a lab newbie (新兵... of nociception (伤害性感受) to the excessive (过度的) drinking of alcohol. My role as a lab newbie (新兵 ……