味道怎么样Word boxsour酸sweet甜bitter4苦spicy5辣salty咸candyIt tastes ____________. coffeeIt tastes ____________. lemonIt tastes ____________. red pepperIt tastes ____________. saltIt tastes ____________ ……
with a man spitting flames (喷火) means “spicy (辣)”. The size of the flame shows how spicy the dish is. ……
for itsspiciness(辣). But one kind of hotpot has two parts inside. One side is spicy, the other side ……
(斯科维尔单位), the scientific measurement of a chili’s spiciness (辣).The native food is eaten in India ……
of the pot, put it in sauces (酱) and eat it hot and fresh. Hot pot is famous for its spiciness (辣 ……
“辣”是一种味道吗?“辣”是一种味道吗? “Oh, it’s soooo hot!” When you eat something spicy, your tongue feels hot and numb (麻木的) and you even sweat (出汗 ……
形), and not round. Word box酸、甜、苦、辣,英语怎么说?酸 sour 甜 sweet苦 bitter 辣 spicy生词大本营(1) national 国家的(2) harvest 丰收(3 ……
liked how spicy (辣) it was and how it soaked up (吸收) the flavors of a dish. “I was ordering the wrong.... But after eating it in China, he felt differently. He liked how spicy (辣) it was and how it soaked up (吸收 ……
spicyExpressions about spicyIt’s hot!It’s hot!“Hot”除指“辣”以外还可以指“烫”,在不确定时可以反问:“Spicy-hot or temperature-hot?”“Hot”除指“辣 ……
辣奢族:hot fashion chasers 点评:“辣奢族”是对那些热切追求奢侈品牌者的称谓。该词中的“辣”字,实指此类人的追求程度。在英语中,“辣”字可译为hot,而hot一词又有“迫切”“热切”之义,与“辣奢族”之“辣”含义颇近。另外,“奢族”二字实指追求时髦品牌之辈,故可译为fashion chasers。基于以上考虑,该词可译为hot fashion chasers。 背景:辣奢 ……
and spicy 麻辣Sichuan川菜 numbing and spicy 麻辣Hunan湘菜 spicy 辣Hunan湘菜 spicy 辣Shandong鲁菜 strong 浓郁Shandong鲁菜   ……
snack that combines freshness, smoothness, sourness (酸), spiciness (辣) and stinkiness (臭) in one... that combines freshness, smoothness, sourness (酸), spiciness (辣) and stinkiness (臭) in one perfect ……
同与会教师分享了课题实验过程中的酸、甜、苦、辣。参会专家在会议上指出,师范高校和科研机构同时也是教师教育者,既承担着教育教师的任务,又要为教师的发展提供服务,本着这样一种信念,我们与老师们共同开展了众多类型的课题实验研究项目,并逐 ……
13 the pot, put it in sauces (酱) and eat it hot and fresh. Hot pot is 14 its spiciness (辣 ……
每天,全国有两千多万中小学生使用《英语》(新标准),他们已经与《英语》(新标准)成为亲密的伙伴,英语让他们的生活变得更加丰富多彩!我与“新标准”一起成长我与《英语》(新标准)已经相伴走过了6个春夏秋冬。这期间,我经历了学习英语的酸、甜、苦、辣。有一次,学校要举行英语课本剧大赛,妈妈为我报了名。第二天,我开始寻找合适的故事,我翻阅着手中的英语故事书,《白雪公主》《三只小猪》……都感觉不太合适。正当 ……