英语专业教授2名职位描述:* 从事教学和青年教师的培养工作,可全职或定期工作。职位要求:* 硕士以上学历;* 学术带头人,具有教授职称;*具有深厚的科研功底和团队组织能力。英语专业兼职辅导员2名职位描述:* 辅助教学和学生管理。凡担任辅导员工作满二年,有机会攻读在职博士,并可择优转为专职教师。职位要求:* 硕士以上学历;* 外语学院相关专业的应届毕业研究生;* 中共党员或预备党员,愿意从事辅导员 ……
Trying to helpSandy began a job as an junior school counsellor (辅导员). She was eager to help the students. One day during break, she noticed a girl standing by herself at one end of the playing field ……
近日,全国各地高校陆续迎来开学季,2024级新生满怀希冀与梦想步入校园,开启崭新的大学生活。此前, 有关大学管理日趋“中学化” 的现象曾引发社会各界的广泛关注。其中,大学辅导员...号也正是“家长群”,存在的目的和价值。的确,大学辅导员建立“家长群”,在某种程度上也为家长和学校提供了—个便捷的沟通平台,家长 ……
SCHOOL counseling (咨询服务) in the US began at the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays, there are usually school counselors (辅导员) in elementary, middle and high school, as well as many colleges ……
环宇弘兴汉语文化传播公司近日正式启动了“对外汉语教学辅导员选拔考试”,计划于今年上半年招考600名对外汉语教学辅导员赴美国任教,教学时间为每周5天,每天2小时。据华文教育基金会代表郑义介绍,此次招考面向社会,要求应试者具有大专(含)以上 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
work well.In 2018, I became an undergraduate counselor (本科生辅导员). I had a deeper understanding... undergraduate counselor (本科生辅导员). I had a deeper understanding of the Party. I often tell myself to do ……
needs to have a vice-principal in charge of science education and a science student counselor (辅导员... of science education and a science student counselor (辅导员).Schools are encouraged to invite experts ……
or a school counselor (辅导员). Just remember that what’s done is done. You can only try to learn from... member or a school counselor (辅导员). Just remember that what’s done is done. You can only try to learn ……
你们学校有法制辅导员吗?HAVE you ever been hit by a teacher for not finishing your homework? Yang Bo has.Two years ago when Yang was studying in his hometown in Shaanxi, his maths teacher got so angry that he ……
你们学校有法制辅导员吗?HAVE you ever been hit by a teacher for not finishing your homework? Yang Bo has.Two years ago when Yang was studying in his hometown in Shaanxi, his maths teacher got so angry that he ……
, the Zhaozhou Youth League Committeecounsellor(辅导员)."Your parents give so much to you. Try to help ……
are really getting the lesson," said Adrienne Williams, the schools' student activities coordinator (辅导员 ……
during the first week were undoubtedly the guidance counselors (学校辅导员). In Chinese schools, everybody ……
to be camp counselors (辅导员), who lead campers in daily activities and ensure their safety and well-being ……
) and the academic counselor (学习辅导员). Still, I couldn’t help feeling nervous.The Special Needs Aide explained ……