2/3的被调查者表示他们时常在学校作业中使用网络用语。近1/2的学生说他们有时会省略正确的标点符号,而且错误地使用大写字母。1/4的学生表示他们曾在作业中使用过由字符组成的图释,如:),还有1/3学生...根据美国一项最新的研究发现,一些在电子邮件、手机短信、网络论坛上出现的英语语言形式越来越多地出现在美国学生的学校作业中。据《纽约时报》报道,该项由美国国家写作委员会(National ……
作动词,表示“拉黑”,既将某人名字列入黑名单。在网络用语中,“拉黑”有时也可译为block,比如to block someone from viewing your micro-blogging posts。 ……
本期话题:现在的年轻人流行网络用语,俗称“火星文”。你在生活中使用"火星文"吗?你对"火星文"有什么看法?本期主持:浙江省中国轻纺城实验中学教育集团指导老师:陈国江Pan Xiaoying:I like Internet chat lingo(网络用语). It may lookstrange(奇怪的) to our teachers and parents. But it has ……
RU a hard-to-understand cybertalker?"GG"、"PLMM"……并不是每个人都能听懂你的网络用语!"MY 'GG' came back from college... incyberspace(网络空间). In the real world, many parents and teachers can't understand it.Internet language can ……
电视和广播对网络用语说“不”!INTERNET slang (俚语) is becoming more and more popular by the day. We call someone lovely “mengmengda (萌萌哒)”; and complain about “renjianbuchai (人艰不拆)”, meaning “life is very hard, so ……
本期话题:现在的年轻人流行使用网络"火星文"。如ORZ(表示五体投地)等。你对此有什么看法?本期主持:吉林大学附属中学指导老师:具雪英Liu Gesi:I think chatlingo(网络用语) is really creative and cool. You can use just a few letters for so many words. When you get good ……
从网络用语到热门科技词汇,字典也与时俱进。词数 211 建议阅读时间 4分钟 English is a living language. This means that it changes and grows. And now, the words we invented during our online chats are officially (正式地) part of it.Words ……
牛津词典收录网络用语。词数 215 建议阅读时间 2分钟ENGLISH is a living language. This means that it changes and grows. Now...-to-face conversation held over the Internet by means of webcams (网络摄像机).ethical hacker (n.): a person ……
网络用语禁上广播电视:说话应该分场合。NOBODY likes to be an outsider, especially when it comes to latest trends (潮流). So it feels right to use the hottest online expressions. But being “hot” doesn’t mean they are OK ……
2017年最流行的网络用语,你学会了吗?Do you want to “beat a call” to someone? “Can you freestyle?” These phrases were among the most popular slang phrases of 2017. The National Language Resources Monitoring Center ……
表上看,第四版《新英汉词典》32开版本所采用的暖桔、墨绿两种轻快色调一改词典深沉的面目,更加吸引年轻读者。而词典内在的变化也相当显著,其对新词新义、流行“潮”语,甚至网络用语...万条,其中包括5000条新词新义。此外,词典附录中还收录了297个网络与短信常用缩略语。《新英汉词典》(第4版)的主编,复旦大学外文学院副教授高永伟表示,英语的网络用语体系十分庞大,附录中所收网络与短信用语 ……
伴随着社交媒体的发展,“网红”、“热搜榜”、“点赞”、“吃瓜群众”等网络用语...;、“吃瓜群众”等网络用语也诞生了,那么问题来了,如何用英语表达这些网络热点呢?让我们一起来看看吧。1. Click here for a list of trending ……
伴随着社交媒体的发展,“网红”、“热搜榜”、“点赞”、“吃瓜群众”等网络用语也诞生了,那么...群众”等网络用语也诞生了,那么问题来了,如何用英语表达这些网络热点呢?让我们一起来看看吧。1. Click here for a list of trending topics.点击 ……
第一张"中国十大网络用语"榜单新鲜出炉,快来测测你是不是真正的网络大虾!"886. C u later." It is common for teenagers totap(敲打) away... and simple, Netlingo(网络语言) is rapidly spreading, especially among youth. Although the language is different ……
of English: "chat lingo(网络用语)".Chat lingo is an easier kind of English. Kids use three or four...我们在网络上说的话跟生活里可不大一样哦!词数 230 建议阅读时间 9分钟Hello, my name is Jennifer Sun. I am 14 years old. I go ……