如果有人问你,日常生活中最需要的是什么?你也许会想到空气、食物、水. 当然,还有一件东西是我们生活中不可或缺的,它就是货币(currency),即钱. ……
Academy. Awards. ……
本期写作扶梯中,我们将分门别类地向大家展示英语中考作文中出现的一些优秀的语句,希望大家通过阅读,能够先行一步走进中考,体味中考。一、介绍自己1. My favorite subject is English. 我最喜欢的科目是英语。2. ……
Find. the. ……
应北京陈经纶中学邀请,《21世纪中学生英文报》编辑部主任申钢带领外籍专家以及编辑于近日前往该校,为初一、初二两个年级的学生上了一堂特殊的英语课. 课上,专家和编辑主要向同学们介绍如何充分利用《21世纪中学生英文报》有效而全面地提升英语水平. 本节课在陈经纶中学报告厅举行,历时一个小时,由该校初中英语教师倪士春老师主持,有300余名学生到场聆听. 外籍专家首先用慢速英语分别介绍了美国与中国同龄的中学生学生是如何学习外语的. ……
VCG 走近书店管理员走近书店管理员Being a bookstore librarian takes more than you thinkBeing a bookstore librarian takes more than you thinkPAGE 3PAGE 3 ……
VCGVCG走近纵横千里、尽览千年的大运河文化。走近纵横千里、尽览千年的大运河文化。The 3,200-kilometer Grand Canal dates back nearly 2,500 years and has promoted trade and cultural exchanges.The 3,200-kilometer Grand Canal dates back nearly ……
21ST CENTURY21ST CENTURY《中国让我没想到》:走近中国,发现惊喜《中国让我没想到》:走近中国,发现惊喜Learning Peking Opera, visiting a college for seniors and selling goods by livestreaming ... Our foreign friends talk about ……
走近美国藏书量最大的图书馆。词数 110 建议阅读时间 2分钟FOR many of us, the local public library is the biggest one we get the chance to browse (浏览). Unless we have visited some of the nation’s larger libraries or have been ……
走近冬奥会制冰师走近冬奥会制冰师 During the Winter Olympics, there are some people you never see in the games. But they are very important. They are ice-makers. Some people call them “engineers ……
让足球走近女孩!GIRLS love playing football, too! Now, they even have their own football festival: World Girls' Football Day on October 11.UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)andFIFA(国际足联) want to use this as a way of getting ……
学习之余到这个网站小憩片刻,你一定能找到那份走近自然的清新和亲切。Has mother nature always interested you? Even if you are busy with your homework, it is possible to take five minutes and get in touch with nature in the comfort ……
)古生物学家、蛋糕师、动物医生、天气预报员……还有宇航员!与Teens走近各行各业,了解不同职业的奥秘。 ……
:come from 来自。区别:come out 出来,出现;come in 进来;come up 走近,上来。真题演练Han Han is a popular writer. His new book ……
看!美国中学生为历史名人设计邮票,以另一种方式走近历史!测试见7版 HOW can history become a part of students’ lives? Seminole Middle School in Florida, US, sets a good example. For two years, students at the school collected money ……