gravy train赚钱的清闲差事,即“美差,肥差”。Gravy是“肉汤,肉汁”的意思,引申为“容易赚得的利润”。Be on a gravy train引申为“走运,有赚钱的机会”。jack of all trades样样精通的人。后面常接“master of none”,形容人“杂而不精”。A man of one book则指“专精一艺”的人。 ……
绿茵场上谁最有“钱途”?词数 75 建议阅读时间 1分钟Move over, David Beckham, there’s a new money-spinner (赚钱的人) atop the football earning charts (排行榜).According to France Football, one of the world’s oldest and most ……
走私者”,又称为“蛇头”,指把偷渡的人带出国境从中赚钱的人。也可说human smugglers。 ……
以说top-grossing, 例如:a top-grossing film (票房冠军)。表示 “会赚钱的” 还有money-spinning, profitable。年仅17岁的贾斯汀· 比伯 ……
本赛季最能赚钱的NBA球星。词数 94 建议阅读时间 2分钟NBA stars cash in (赚钱) for their showy (引人注目的) moves and powerful dunks. They are rewarded well for their hoop (篮筐) skills. Bleacher Report revealed that with an average ……
status by her 30th birthday. Lucrative意为“赚钱的”。2015年斯威夫特巡演、代言忙不停,日赚六百万人民币,最吸金歌手非她莫属。 ……
霉霉成为2016年收入最高的音乐人。US singer and songwriter Taylor Swift is one of the most popular stars. This year, she is music’s big earner (赚钱的人)! On Nov 30, Forbes’ list of the world’s highest-paid (收入 ……
for about $37 million.Moneymaker是一个合成词,由money+maker构成,顾名思义就是“会赚钱的人”。姚明去年一年狂赚5200万美元,约合人民币三亿五千七百万元,真不 ……
(炸弹拆除部队) in the Iraq War, beat Avatar, the highest grossing (最赚钱的) film of all time, to the major ……
.Lucrative意为“赚钱的”,近义词有remunerative和moneymaking。今年詹妮弗·劳伦斯两部电影均是票房一路走高,年终首次被评为最赚钱明星,实至名归。 ……
travel services abroad.-----------------------------------------------------------lucrative:赚钱的,可获 ……
-year-old American actor Matt Damon the mostbankable(能赚钱的) star in the world.According ……
.---------------------------------------savvy 机智, 精通nemesis 对手grosser 赚钱的产品intercept 截取a fit of 一阵 ……
for about $37 million.Moneymaker是一个合成词,由money+maker构成,顾名思义就是“会赚钱的人”。姚明去年一年狂赚5200万美元,约合人民币三亿五千七百万元,真不 ……
你是选择自己感兴趣的专业,还是比较容易赚钱的专业?擂场:大连第二十高级中学杭州第十四中学指导教师:陈娇 孔慧敏Interest should come first when we choose our major.Lin Xiaoxuan: As far as I'm concerned, interest is of great importance when we choose ……