deep pocket财富,资产这里许多学生的经济来源是他们的父母。 ……
,从而使资产所有人无法使用这些资产。“解除冻结”是unfreeze。 ……
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,为吸引更多移民,英国政府近日出台规定,假如一位非英国籍人士能够证实自己在银行拥有至少一百万英镑资产,他们将不用过移民的“语言关”。英国移民大臣Liam Byrne完全支持政府的倡议。然而,自由民主党财政部发言人洛德奥克修特却表示,假如移民希望长期定居英国并进行投资,至少他们要掌握本地的语言。 ……
organization, such as bank, to pay for a property.5. Correct answer: c)c) equity – “Negative equity” (负资产 ……
was giving serious thought to the aircraft-carrier matter.有毒资产toxic assetsTHE Obama administration ……
! Inside was this note: “Dear sister, I hope you’ll understand. My capital (资产) has been frozen (冻结 ……
the dynamics (动态) of the market … because it is a transportable (可运输的) property asset (资产).” ……
was ranked (排名) at No 14, with a net worth (净资产) of $1.1 billion (about 7.6 billion yuan). According..., with a net worth (净资产) of $1.1 billion (about 7.6 billion yuan). According to Forbes, Swift ……
by “the best fabrics for the French bourgeoisie (资产阶级) during the century”, Ferrer printed... for the French bourgeoisie (资产阶级) during the century”, Ferrer printed a variety of Baroque-style (巴洛 ……
60 percent of the money that big banks keep is in dollar-valued assets (资产), according...-valued assets (资产), according to the International Monetary Fund. But now, there’s less demand ……
for the reconstruction of damaged cultural assets (资产). The earthquake’s impact on Marrakech... of damaged cultural assets (资产). The earthquake’s impact on Marrakech’s cultural heritage is expected ……
21ST高校出版社体制改革顺利推进据悉,按照中央关于文化体制改革的总体部署,新闻出版总署和教育部积极稳妥推进高校出版体制改革试点工作,目前取得阶段性成果。在列入首批试点的18家出版社中,已有清华大学出版社、北京大学出版社、外语教学与研究出版社、中国人民大学出版社、大连理工大学出版社等5家完成转企改制,出版生产力大幅度提升。据新闻出版总署的统计数据,这五家出版单位2006年资产总额、净资产额、销售 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
a company called Scale AI and became its CEO. At the age of 25, his personal net worth (净资产) exceeded... a company called Scale AI and became its CEO. At the age of 25, his personal net worth (净资产) exceeded (超过 ……
on the law, effectively manage assets (资产) and costs.The plan, issued by the Ministry of Education..., raise capital based on the law, effectively manage assets (资产) and costs.Foreign capital is also ……
, effectively manage assets (资产) and costs.The plan, issued by the Ministry of Education and four..., raise capital based on the law, effectively manage assets (资产) and costs.Foreign capital is also ……