年轻人不喜欢儒学吗?也许是误解哦!年轻人不喜欢儒学吗?也许是误解哦!PAGE 5PAGE 5Is Confucius still relevant to today’s China? TEENS asked several young people. It turns out that they find the ancient Chinese philosopher&rsquo ……
核心词汇release v. 发行(书刊等)The new film will be released next month.worth n. 价值;用处The true worth of a book cannot be measured by its commercial (商业的) value.misunderstand v. 误解;误会词缀: mis- (与动词和名词结合)指坏、错、不 ……
在人际交往中,每个人受立场、观念以及情境等因素的影响,有时会出现言语上的误解。当我们说的话被误会时,我们应该及时澄清,以免造成更加严重的后果。那么,“别误会”用英...我们来看看地道的表达都有哪些吧。在人际交往中,每个人受立场、观念以及情境等因素的影响,有时会出现言语上的误解。当我们说的话被误会时,我们应该及时澄清,以免造成更加严重的后果。那么,“别误 ……
粗心猎人误解指令伤人命。 TWO hunters (猎人) are hunting in the forest. One of them suddenly falls over. You can see the whites of his eyes and he looks dead. The other hunter takes out his mobile phone. He calls ……
“common misconceptions (误解)” about rescue dogs. It shows that rescue dogs may have been abandoned (遗弃 ……
their misunderstanding (误解) and fear (恐惧) toward HIV and AIDS. He spoke English so well that people praised (称赞 ……
week, Forbes reported. Swift said she “felt really misunderstood by (被误解) a lot of people” before she ……
educational record is of great help. A good degree allows a person to stand out.你说我说我们在生活中偶尔会被人误解。你遭受过怎样的误解 ……
.Misunderstandings(误解) are forgotten and houses are cleaned. At midnight on December 31,temples(寺庙) play ……
to accompany me on a trip to Africa.misunderstanding n. 误解;误会词缀: mis- 表示错、坏、无What caused ……
Thursday the government said it was a misleading (易误解的) report. Less than only 10 percent ……
核心词汇misconception n. 误解People had many misconceptions about the new tax program.misconceive v.词缀:mis-表示“错误”。conquer vt. 征服,占领Modern medical science has conquered many diseases.ethics n. 道德规范ethical ……
是我们常说的“欲擒故纵”。 Jane 用这招来测试 Scott 是否真的在乎自己。谁料 Scott 完全误解了她的意图,真让人哭笑不得! ……
-mail to explain and she responded well.Set the record straight表示“消除误解,使真相大白”,通常后接on。dispel rumors ……
of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), was created to clear up “common misconceptions (误解)” about rescue dogs ……