of the most fancy (奇特的) ones. Enjoy them! ……
of the most fancy (奇特的) ones. Enjoy them! ……
一份奇特的友谊。A cat, a dog and six micro-pigs (迷你猪) make good friends in a UK home. Animal lover Jane Croft is their owner. The animals all eat, sleep and play together. ……
奇特的脚趾魔方比赛A man can solve4 a Rubik’s Cube (魔方) in 1 minute and 3 seconds. You may think it’s not fast. But he used his feet to do it. It was a Rubik’s Cube competition (比赛) in the UK. Players5 can ……
奇特的视觉艺术。 IS this a painting? Well, if you think so, your eyes are telling lies. Dutch (荷兰的) artist Desiree Palmen made the work. This is how she makes her art . She picks a place. Then she paints ……
相貌奇特的小狗。UG the dog lives in Britain. Ug is ugly. The 2-year-old has bug eyes (突出的眼睛) and crooked (歪斜的) teeth. A café worker, April Parker, loves Ug’s unique (独特的) face. She gave Ug a loving home ……
奇特的毛利人碰鼻礼The nose smells and breathes (呼吸). In New Zealand (新西兰 ), people also use it to greet people. The Maoris (毛利人) live in New Zealand. When they greet their visitors, they touch noses ……
Some tourists in Northern Sweden have been taking the idea of a “holiday getaway” a little too literally (按字面意思地). They’ve been staying in a bizarre (奇特的) hotel room that is totally invisible ……
/pI5kju:ljE/ adj.奇特的, 特殊的forum n. 论坛,讨论会professional n. 专业人员 ……
漂亮!)stare at (由于惊讶或生气等)盯着看Jane has a strange hat on today. Everyone stares at her hat. (简今天戴了一顶奇特的 ……
世界各地有哪些奇特的运动项目?词数 267 建议阅读时间 8分钟 WHAT is your favorite sport? Running, swimming, soccer or basketball? Those are all common sports. But some people like to do sports you may have never heard of. Here ……
activity in spirit week this year was the weird (奇特的) dress show.We had a special weird dress show ……
奇特的绘画方式。词数 158 建议阅读时间 4分钟Jimmy started painting when he was 3 years old, and by the time he was 5, he was already very good at it. He painted many beautiful and interesting pictures, and people paid ……
巴黎三大艺术宝库之旅。AT various times since the Middle Ages, Paris, France has been considered the center of arts in the western world. From small, quirky (奇特的) museums to the huge and world-famous galleries ……
into the rice.However, in modern times, zongzi have changed a lot. The fillings have become fancy (奇特的 ……