本栏目由TEENS澳大利亚籍编辑 Murray Wenzel 根据《英语课程标准》所列话题精心创作,并由TEENS教学团队根据中考要求,设计成补全对话形式,帮助同学们迅速掌握解题技巧,提升口语交际能力。Hi, I’m Murray from Australia. I enjoy reading and writing. I hope I can help you learn to speak great English by reading my column. ……
摘自: 商场议价[teen, 21世纪学生英文报·初二版]
?Dong Hongcen, 14, NanchangI remember it was nine in the morning. I wasbargaining(议价) with a shop ……
directly.TEENS点金高考词汇bargain vi. 议价,谈条件;n. 协议,便宜货He was bargaining with the taxi driver over the fare ……
提出我方报价太高时,究竟是其对产品仍有疑问?还是试图杀价?我方又该如何应对?这些疑问在培训中将通过专业讲师的传授和其与MBA课程类似的团队讨论中得以解决。学员将学习在发盘、询盘、议价、交付、商检、保险、报关 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
the stuff of collectors.那时是国家统一定价(uniform pricing system), 后来经济发展了,市场上出现了国家供应粮之外的市场定价粮,通常高于国家牌价,叫做"议价粮"。可以 ……
讨价还价的权利, 议价能力If your company can come up with some concrete proof of its ability to grow ……