个方面为您提供细致而周到的帮助与指导。---------------------------------领带虽小,却是具有画龙点睛之效的一种与西装搭配的装饰物,在某种程度上可反映出男士的修养、性格和做事风格。领带有季节之分领带有厚薄之分。丝和绸等质地轻软的领带打出的领结比较细小,给人以清爽感,适合在夏季佩带。深红色、咖啡色之类暖色调的领带在视觉上能产生温暖感,适合在秋冬季佩带。春夏之交,领带可选择的余地较大,不过宜以冷色为主、暖色为辅。领带应与西装 ……
个方面为您提供细致而周到的帮助与指导。---------------------------------现代西装的发展和形成,已有近二百年的历史。其着装常识和文化定义已经普及成为国际常识。国人在穿西服的同时,也应了解日常西服知识,从而穿出西装的品位。西装的穿着场合西装在对外活动中往往充当正装或礼服的用途,面料的选择应力求高档。藏蓝色西装为首选,灰色或棕色其次,黑色的则适合在庄严、肃穆的礼仪性活动中穿着。一般来说,越是正规的场合,越讲究穿单色西装 ……
穿西装的马儿A British man asked a costume designer (服装设计师) to make a suit for his horse. The suit fits (合身) the horse very well. What a handsome horse! ……
Horse in a suit穿上西装的“俊马”。A BRITISH man asked a costume designer (设计师) to make a suit for his horse. The suit fits the horse very well. What a handsome horse! 21ST ……
英国的校服是什么样的呢? MOST British high school children wearuniforms(校服). Their parents buy them at the beginning of the school year. They cost a lot of money.Both boys and girls wearblazers(西装 ……
看英国学生的昂贵校服。测试见7版 MOST British high school children wear uniforms (校服). Their parents buy them at the beginning of the school year. They cost a lot of money.Both boys and girls wear blazers (西装 ……
are shopping. The cashier is helping to bag the groceries (把东西装进购物袋)。Have a go1. What are Tom and his ……
出众者比相貌普通者在各方面竞争时都占有优势。为了突出逗趣的色彩,“色酬定律”也可译成beauty-takes-it-all “practice”。这里的“定律”是一种不可明说的(潜)规则,不是科学定律,所以不宜译成law。西装乞丐(finely attired beggar)背景:西装乞丐是指外表衣冠楚楚、但薪水却微薄可怜的上班族。西装乞丐有三低:薪水低、社会地位低、情绪更低(落)。据人力银行调查显示,由于经济不景气,近年 ……
摘自: 流行热词翻译点津[中国人民大学外国语学院副教授 王维东, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
在西方国家,别忘穿上你的晚礼服或西装去参加正式聚会!词数 248 建议阅读时间 6分钟 测试见7版"WHAT am I going to wear?"You might not think...鞋). Some boys wearsuits(西装). At least, they should wear a nice shirt and comb their hair. After all, lots ……
(西装) and has red hair. The model for the doll is a scientist. She designed (研发) the COVID-19..., a suit (西装) and has red hair. The model for the doll is a scientist. She designed (研发) the COVID-19 ……
ceremony (仪式), the bride usually wears a long, white dress and the groom wears a dark suit (西装... wears a long, white dress and the groom wears a dark suit (西装). In front of the guests, they say ……
利的时装设计师特别注重从人体身材的角度去设计,如同给一座建筑物进行包装,所设计的服装充分显示出人体美。意大利的商务西装(business suit)在世界上享有最高的声誉。意大利西装强调优雅,其款式会影响到其他世界同类产品,面料的选择也很讲究。单排双扣西装(two-button suit)、单排三扣西装(three-botton suit)及双排扣西装(double-breasted suit)都是意大利西装的精品,穿上意大利西装 ……
foolishly forgot to wear matching shoes. 他为参加晚会细心地挑选了一套很有品位的西装,但他却愚蠢地忘了穿一双与之搭配的鞋子。 ……
史前企鹅的羽毛竟然是红褐色的。WE all know about penguins. They are fat cute animals that live in cold places. They are black and white and it looks like they wear suits (西装). But did you know that penguins were ……
“这东西可以为我的手机,iPod,上网本还有蓝牙耳机充电——这是一个能量领带。“Power tie是较为正式的西装领带,通常以蓝色和红色为主色调,设计偏向保守,主要用简单的条纹做图案。这个词另一个含义却是权利纽带、权利关系。现实生活要是真的能拥有一条可同时为如此多便携设备充电的智能领带,那该有多开心! ……