习内容展开,将有重点、有针对性地帮助BETS学习者深入了解并学会准确运用该教程所讲授的语言知识,同时了解课文中体现的英语文化。西方人把外出就餐称为"dine out",其形式有两种,即"eat in"和"take... away."对话中,侍者Garry在询问顾客Tammy选择在店内用餐还是将食物打包带走。客人若选择在店内用餐,侍者须引领客人入座。此时,侍者须确认客人的人数,并了解客人是否有特殊要求,因为西方 ……
本栏目围绕《北京英语水平考试标准教程》(1-3级)的学习内容展开,将有重点、有针对性地帮助BETS学习者深入了解并学会准确运用该教程所讲授的语言知识,同时了解课文中体现的英语文化。党洁,北京青年政治学院英语系讲师。1996年参加工作,一直从事大学英语和导游的教学与研究,并参与编著《北京英语水平考试标准教程》。闲暇之余,西方人喜欢约朋友外出聚会,享受生活。在英语中,这被称为“date out ……
内语言教学专家客观地指出,西方语种多属于印欧语系,例如英语和法语,两者70%的词汇大致相同,语法的相似处也很多。因此,英语、法语、德语等语种同时学习时,学习者一旦掌握其中的规律,完全可以融会贯通。西方人学习欧洲语言就像中国人学习方言一样容易。“除了语言自身的特点,西方国家的国情、历史背景、民族心理,社会发展、价值取向等也是造成东西方语言学习效果差异的因素。欧美国家人民往来便利,人口流动性大,民族 ……
小朋友们,你们对英语国家的称呼熟悉吗?我们一起跟着 Jacky 来学习一下吧!星期一的早晨,Jacky在上学的路上遇见了邻居Smith夫妇,Jacky很有礼貌地和他们打招呼。Jacky: Good morning, Mr Smith. Good morning, Mrs Smith. Mr Smith: Good morning, Jacky. ……
Before leaving* Allow plenty of time to get the relevant visa. * Don't pack your passport in your rucksack keep it in your hand luggage with your tickets. * Make a photocopy; it will save time if your passport is stolen. ……
西方人最喜欢的中国菜。 MANY Westerners like Chinese food. It is different. They find it delicious. My Chinese friends usually order (点菜) certain dishes. They know Westerners like these dishes. Sweet and sour ……
西方人是怎么过周末的? PEOPLE in the West get excited about the weekend, as it is a time to go out and catch up with family and friends. Saturday morning is sports time. Boys often play football while girls go ……
冬天到了,西方人餐桌上的烤肉真是香喷喷!WHAT do you like to eat on cold winter days? Many Americans, Australians and English people love to eat a bigroast(烤) dinner to warm up.The main part is a large piece of meat ……
你知道西方人怎么过感恩节吗?测试见7版 课件见网站THIS Thursday is a big holiday for US kids. It's Thanksgiving Day. They celebrate it on the fourth Thursday of November.People first had Thanksgiving in 1621. It is a holiday ……
chopsticks4 to eat food. Westerners (西方人) use this.5When you burn5 it, it makes light.6It’s ceramic (陶瓷 ……
摘自: 眼力大比拼[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
西方人是怎么吃三明治的呢?What do you like to eat for lunch?AT lunchtime, many people in the Western (西方的) world eat a sandwich. A sandwich is meat, cheese and vegetables between two pieces of bread ……
国时要尊重当地的文化,记住:入乡随俗。3. 中国人一般把所有菜都摆桌上一起分享,但是西方人只吃各自盘中的食物。4. 在中国,通常主人会先敬第一杯酒,稍后客人们再回敬主人。(答案见5版)实战...你们学习小组讨论的结果,写一篇包含以下要点的英语短文:1. 中国人用筷子吃饭,而西方人则用刀叉等用餐;2. 中国人聚餐时总是争着付款,而西方人则选择AA制;3. 在餐桌上中国人喜欢给客人夹菜,而西方人则认为不卫生;4 ……
当西方人碰到开心或喜悦的事,就会相互举手击掌来庆祝!IF someone says to you: "give me five", do notsearch(搜) your pocket to get five yuan! It will make others laugh! The person's not asking for your money, but your fingers ……
你知道为什么中国人比西方人更多地用到右脑吗? SCIENTISTS have discovered that the Chinese use the right brain more than Westerners.Chinese people use their right brains to process (处理) the tone changes of Chinese words ……
accident happened when she was shooting the TV drama I Have a Date With Spring.Aisle意思是“(教堂的)走廊”,西方人 ……