when lots of my schoolmates were still in bed. I went to have extra classes (补习班). My parents went ……
in the morning when lots of my schoolmates were still in bed. I went to have extra classes (补习班). My parents ……
Special欢迎参加Teens “暑假生活秀” 摄影大赛,赢取心动大奖!(A24)Warm memories(A2-A12)国外中学生怎么过暑假?他们也上补习班吗?来自十个不同国家的青少年为你讲述他们最难忘的暑假经历。Science time(A13-A19)为什么你老是觉得困?实验室里也能造出宝石?能抗癌的鸡蛋从哪里来?跟随Teens一起探寻神奇的科技世界!Cool jobs(B1-B8 ……
题解答(51.2%)成为韩国大部分英语补习班的授课内容。据韩国《亚洲经济》报道,一项针对534名韩国小学生家长的问卷调查显示,韩国小学生平均每月用于英语补习的费用为15.4万韩元(约合人民币890元),这一金额约为韩语补习费用(6.6万韩元)的2.3倍。据调查,韩国小学生接受英语补习的比率高达79.8%。从英语补习的内容来看,英语会话(60.6%)和习题解答(51.2%)成为韩国大部分英语补习班的授课内容。 ……
据日本《读卖新闻》近日报道,日本为了应对中国近年来在全球掀起的中文学习热,计划今后三年内在海外增设日语推广中心,由目前的10所扩增为约100所。初步计划是,政府在明年的预算中拨出两亿多日元,先增加70所。据悉,目前推广日语学习的中心由日本外务省所属团体“国际交流基金”直接经营。外务省计划今后要改为类似便利超市的加盟方式,增加学习中心的数量。至于设有日语讲座的大学、民间的日语补习班等,也将 ……
韩国教育部近日宣布,公立小学自2018年3月起不得为一二年级学生开设课后英语补习班。这项禁令旨在引导小学生把更多精力放在学习本国语言上,却遭到学生家长和英语教师反对。韩国教育部于2014年颁布这项禁令,要求公立小学不得在课后补习活动中设立英语课。由于这一禁令当时就遭到强烈反对,韩国教育部决定延期三年半执行,从今年3月起正式实施。不过,教育部的“苦心”并未得到家长认可。不少学生家长认为,这一 ……
of your age to help solve your problems.别人都上补习班,我该怎么办?别人都上补习班,我该怎么办?Many students are taking part...) my classmates who went to cram school (补习班) and could easily solve problems. I joined them and had ……
of classes. On Sunday, she goes toextra classes(补习班) for maths and physics.But Ji doesn'tcomplain(抱怨 ……
炎热的暑假里,我依然要在补习班挥汗如雨!Summer vacation finally arrived, but I was not so excited. This was because I didn’t do well in my final exam in math. The teacher asked me to take part in a math class over ……
话题:如果你可以申请创造一项吉尼斯世界纪录,你会申请什么呢?Gao Zhuxin, 14, from Shaanxi I’d like to create a record for spending the longest time in extra classes (补习班) after school. Nowadays, our parents have high expectations ……
, many parents arrange tutoring sessions (补习班) for their children. And in the US, in addition to heavy ……
孩子给家长讲课?没错。这所学生开办的"家长学校"还挺火!ON February 26, Su Shida got up early just like any other weekday and rushed to "school". However, the 18-year-old student wasn't taking weekendcramming classes(补习班).Su ……
1996中国学子开始大规模申请自费留学。当年,托福考试从每年的几千人涨至近万人。一时间托福考试名额紧俏。1997“海归”成为当年最高的词频,海外留学精英开始将目光聚焦到祖国,将自己的事业扎根在中国。1998新东方的托福补习班迅速成为中国准留学生们的圣地。1999据海关统计,这一年自费留学生已取代国家公派留学生成为留学生中的主体。国际教育展、国外大学招生代表、留学中介也应运而生。2000雅思 ……
extra classes (课外补习班) to improve their studies in order to get good grades and go to a good college ……
炎热的暑假里,我依然要在补习班挥汗如雨!When the summer vacation finally arrived, I wasn’t as excited as I had imagined. It was because I hadn’t done well in my final exam in math, so the teacher asked me to attend an ……