will walk away from me. They usually don't eatdeadanimals!生词大本营 frighten 惊吓sting 蛰,叮flexible 柔韧的spit 吐,喷 liquid 液体drop 扔下breath 呼吸dead 死的生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营frighten 惊吓sting 蛰,叮flexible 柔韧的spit 吐,喷frighten ……
一名美国妇女被马蜂蜇了500下。IF you see a group o f angry wasps (黄蜂), what should you do? Scientists say: run.Earlier this month, a group of angry wasps stung (蛰) a 53-year-old woman 500 times in Massachusetts ……
(蛰) them! ……
you’re actually a bee and that if they’re not careful you might sting (蛰) them! ……
herself. She opened the box a little.Out flew hundreds of bad little fairies. Theystung(蛰) Pandora ……
《魔蝎王》"蛰"出票房佳绩,摔跤冠军再掀动作片高潮。THE American box office, audiences and critics (评论家) have been hit by a new film with a sting in its tail, "Scorpion King" (《魔蝎王》).The plot (情节) of the film, which ……
in the park. They like to stay away from people. But if you get too near, they maybite(咬) orsting(蛰) you ……
beekeeper was called to collect the bees. The officer was stung (蛰) only once during the ordeal ……
to collect the bees. The officer was stung (蛰) only once during the incident, and no bees were injured ……
穆罕默德•阿里:拳台上的斗士。词数 300 建议阅读时间 6分钟 课件及教案见网站 测试见7版“FLOAT (飘动) like a butterfly and sting (蛰) like a bee.” Muhammad Ali, a three-time World Heavy Weight Champion boxer (拳击手), said this famous line ……
“飞离 (escape)” and sting (蛰), which sounds like “死叮 (be stung)”. In this way, you can easily remember ……
“飞离 (escape)”; Sting (蛰) sounds like “死叮 (be stung)”. In this way, you can easily remember words ……
. It stings (蛰) fish to catch food. A thinking hare 会思考的兔子Jamie Mina takes a photo of a mountain hare (雪兔 ……
getting stung (蛰). She remembered that bees are important for plants One day, Sarah went to the park... and 2. r__________ it to avoid getting stung (蛰). She remembered that bees are important for plants ……
会用不同的舞蹈来通知同伴。Bees sting (蛰) when they are mad. Don’t touch them.Spider 蜘蛛What do they look like ……