.---------------------------------Homer: 荷马,希腊史诗作家Odyssey: 《奥德赛》trough: 槽turnover: 营业额vending machine/vendor: 自动售卖机 ……
radiologist 放射线医师teleconference 电话会议turnover 营业额 ……
. 费尔很有进取心,他只用了半年时间就把公司的营业额翻了3倍。blaze new trails/pioneer 创新Tom likes to blaze new trails. He's now...Vocabularybusiness tax 营业税cash flow 现金流home-based business 在家创业individual entrepreneur 个体户margin 利润 ……
据俄罗斯RBC市场调查网报道,由于俄罗斯翻译市场目前尚未达到饱和,因此该市场有很大发展潜力。目前俄罗斯翻译市场每年营业额平均增长20%。俄罗斯有可能加入世界贸易组织是影响该市场总量增长的附加因素。 据了解,莫斯科地区是俄罗斯翻译市场的“龙头”。该地区的翻译公司占俄翻译市场总量的37%左右,其余的63%主要分布在一些大的中心城市。现在,在莫斯科有大约290家翻译公司,其中 ……
of people disagreed with him, he still insisted on his choice. In 1996, his company’s turnover (营业额 ……
. The average daily turnover (营业额) is now more than 1,000 yuan.Wu Jiawei, 16, is the owner of a milk tea shop... tea is loved by students. The average daily turnover (营业额) is now more than 1,000 yuan.Wu said that he ……
turnover (营业额) is 60 million yuan, almost the same as the total wealth Ethiopians earn every year.Cacao ……
": 营业额。在商务英语中还有"货物周转率"(turnover of goods)以及"人事变动率"(turnover of staff)的意思。3. " CV": 拉丁语"Curriculum Vitae ……
) for short-term interest-free loans. “All our transactions have a turnover (营业额) of nearly 200... loans. “All our transactions have a turnover (营业额) of nearly 200,000 yuan a year,&rdquo ……
a lake and could make a daily turnover (营业额) from 50 to 2,000 yuan.For the past six months, selling... fair beside a lake and could make a daily turnover (营业额) from 50 to 2,000 yuan.For customers, car ……
转移speller 拼字课本turnover 营业额BONUSExpressionsat the mercy of受...支配In the short-term, gold prices ……
是将某人摔下马来,比喻为“剥夺席位、使退位”。英语词汇解析quarterly 季度的turnover 营业额analogy 类比Albania 阿尔巴尼亚(欧洲国家)cohesion 凝聚 ……
.---------------------------------------bookmaking: 赌博lottery: 彩票savvy: 精通的tournament: 比赛turnover: 营业额Who ……
大学出版社实现了9%的销售增长,其同期营业额创下了1亿7900万英镑的新记录。除销售取得强劲增长外,出版社的运营利润也达到300万英镑。而剑桥大学出版社的英语语言教学系列图书的销售也呈现了稳定的增长趋势。剑桥 ……
提供口、笔译服务。据不完全统计,我国目前共有3000余家翻译公司。这些机构规模小、分布散、业务单一,年营业额超过500万元的综合型大企业寥寥无几。虽然北京元培世纪翻译有限公司、传神 ……