九年级(初三)是面临中考的一年,作为中考前的冲刺阶段,教师和学生都积极为应试而准备。为了提高九年级英语教学质量,增强学生英语学习的综合能力,教师首先要明确九年级阶段的学生特点:九年...易出现的问题进入九年级后,随着中考压力的增大,学生往往容易急功近利,不愿在提高英语学习的综合素质上花时间,而是采用课后盲目增加练习题的方法来提高成绩,这导致学生的综合运用语言的能力得不到发展。二、教师 ……
本报美籍专家在此回答你的英语问题。Bradshaw先生在中国工作多年,深知中国学生特点,解答对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Roger,Can you explain the following sentences? "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."SabrinaRoger says:It's common ……
本报美籍专家在此回答你的英语问题。Charlie Shifflett先生在中国工作多年,深知中国学生特点,解答对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Charlie, I've noticed that some people have an "é" in their names, like "Beyoncé". What does the "é" signify? Does it give ……
本报美籍语言专家在此回答你的英语问题。Bradshaw先生在中国工作多年,深知中国学生特点,解答对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Roger,Would you explain the meaning of "air" in the sentence "It will offer only TV programmes that have already been aired ……
本报外籍语言专家在此回答你的英语问题。解答对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Emily,There's a sentence: "We worship footballer David Beckham because he can make mistakes, on the pitch and off." Could you explain "on the pitch and off ……
本报美籍专家EMILY回答你的英语问题,对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Emily,What's the meaning of "Love's got enough to do without going around conquering all ? and so do we"? Thank you for your help. (His dad has broken us up, P15 ……
本报美籍专家EMILY回答你的英语问题,对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Emily,In the sentence "Others argue that a smart-isn't-cool bias affects boys of all racial and ethnic group", what does "smart-isn't-cool" mean? Thank you. (Campus ……
本报美籍专家EMILY回答你的英语问题,对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Emily,Could you help me with the following sentence: "The latest plan has been hailed as a strategic re-orientation from 'growth for growth's sake' towards greater ……
本报美籍专家EMILY回答你的英语问题,对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Emily,Could you help me? What is the difference between plant and factory? Thank you!— Zhang Xin— Zhang XinEmily says:The dictionary defines "plant" as "buildings ……
本报美籍专家在此回答你的英语问题。Bradshaw先生在中国工作多年,深知中国学生特点,解答对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Roger,Please tell me the meaning of the sentence: "But we don't speak of love; now let me set the ball rolling." (Unlit candle, P17 ……
本报美籍专家在此回答你的英语问题。Bradshaw先生在中国工作多年,深知中国学生特点,解答对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Roger,I read a sentence: "After being dropped from England's national team months ago, he was benched by Real Madrid manager Fabio Capello ……
本报美籍专家在此回答你的英语问题。Bradshaw先生在中国工作多年,深知中国学生特点,解答对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Roger,What does the word "in" mean in the sentences "I am in. And I am in to win" (Will she be the next president, P3, January 24)? What ……
本报美籍专家在此回答你的英语问题。Roger Bradshaw先生在中国工作多年,深知中国学生特点,解答对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Roger,Could you explain the sentence "He speaks of a 'golden thread which runs through British history, of the individual standing ……
本报美籍专家在此回答你的英语问题。Charlie Shifflett先生在中国工作多年,深知中国学生特点,解答对症下药,有的放矢。Dear Charlie, I was confused by this sentence: "The economic recession has meant that job _____ is a rare thing." A. security; B ……
认为教师在课堂教学中应努力做到以下几点,使课堂教学真正有实效。一、合理创设问题情境所谓英语问题情境,是指能够激发学生积极寻找解决问题的方法和途径,排除学习过程中面临的各种障碍和困难,进而获得学习上和心理上的成功的情境。英语问题情境的创设,不仅可以激发学生的学习兴趣,充分调动学生的主动性、积极性,还可以激发他们的思维活动,掌握思维的策略和方法,从而提高解决英语问题的能力。教师要合理创设问题,过于 ……