A Finnish (芬兰的) fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found a big fissure (裂缝) in his fishing net. ……
. Finnish (芬兰的) capital city Helsinki returned 11 wallets. Mumbai in India came second by returning nine ……
方程式赛车的新冠军诞生了!KIMI Raikkonen is aFinnish(芬兰的)Formula 1(一级方程式赛车) driver. He won an F1 race in Brazil on October 21. He won the most F1 races this year. So Raikkonen is the 2007 F1 worldchampion(冠军 ……
力的) jobs could increase their risk of getting deadly heart disease, according toFinnish(芬兰的 ……
twins are moresociable(善交际的) than other children,Finnish(芬兰的) researchers said on April 22. They drew ……
;This will be my last season in Formula 1.” The Finnish (芬兰的) racing driver made his debut (首秀) in 2001... in Formula 1.” The Finnish (芬兰的) racing driver made his debut (首秀) in 2001. Raikkonen is known ……
to be able to help UNICEF's activities in Inner Mongolia," Leung said.Finn finishes firstFINNISH(芬兰的) driver ……
on a computer keyboard. He sent it to the phone of a member of his team. One year later, the Finnish (芬兰的 ……
in Finland (芬兰的一个港口). It took 3,200 workers three years to build it. It costs $1.4 billion (十亿 ……
"芬兰冰人"莱科宁力夺F1世界冠军!MANY people know theFinnish(芬兰的) F1 driver Kimi Raikkonen by the name of "Iceman". He doesn't speak a lot but he has a will of iron.This driver for WestMercedes Mclaren(迈凯 ……
称。There are a lot ofswanson the lakes. 天鹅是芬兰的国鸟。The 15th Olympic Games 第15届奥运会Russia took part in (参加... the world.Skiing fun 滑雪乐趣芬兰三分之一的国土在北极圈里。There is a lot of snow. Skiing (滑雪) is a verypopularsport here ……
欧盟委员会针对欧洲6个国家的一项调查显示,它们的外语教育水平参差不齐,丹麦、芬兰等北欧国家外语教育水平高,而法国和西班牙相对落后。 据法国《费加罗报》日前报道,统计显示,在丹麦,77%的国民至少会说一种外语。尽管丹麦的学校英语教育从学生9岁才开始,但学校很快就要求他们学习两门外语,还鼓励其选修第三门外语。 芬兰的外语教育水平较高,主要原因是芬兰教师的外语水平高,且该 ……
, meaning that the lockout will continue at least until May 30 when they are due meet again.芬兰的购物者5月25日掀... paper supply造纸厂停工 芬兰掀起 卫生纸抢购狂潮SHOPPERS in Finland raided shelves for toilet paper on May 25 in fear ……
摘自: 时文赏析[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
克福书展对外宣称,冰岛将被设为2011年法兰克福书展的主宾国。此举引发了极大的争论,因为此前法兰克福书展曾将芬兰确定为主宾国。据报道,今年年初,芬兰手机制造商诺基亚关闭了其在德国鲁尔区波鸿的工厂,转而投向低成本的罗马尼亚,这造成德国当地大量人员失业。因而法兰克福书展取消芬兰的主宾国一举被广泛认为是报复性行为。然而法兰克福书展的发言人否认了此举与诺基亚有任何关系。 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
greatly reduced ...”得知芬兰的例子是说明了发起的公共健康运动大大减少了心脏病死亡率。因此,C选项“运动有效性”为正确答案。62. 本题为主旨大意题。B选项“太胖还是太瘦”、C选项 ……