of The Rings" (指环王) film.Armstrong leavesLANCE Armstrong is an Americancyclist(自行车手). The 33-year-old has won theTour de France(环法自行车赛) six times. He will say goodbye after this summer's Tour de France ……
(拳击手). He also rode a bicycle 120km every day to become as strong as a cyclist (自行车手).It sounds hard ……
? British cyclist (自行车手) Callum Skinner and scientist Alex Macdonald have made a pair of glasses...;How cool would it be to have eyes on the back of your head? British cyclist (自行车手) Callum Skinner ……
"环法"五连冠阿姆斯特朗再获殊荣。In 1996, doctors said Americancyclist(自行车手) Lance Armstrong had only a 40 per cent... won that award.The 32-year-old got the award after winning theTour de France(环法自行车赛) for the fifth ……
the same hard training he or she had.”Peng’s newest role is a cyclist (自行车手). He has already cycled 120km ……
is in sports. The 15-year-old from Shanxi wants to become a cyclist (自行车手). Zhang got his first bike ……
迪什:职业生涯最后一个冠军传奇车手马克·卡文迪什:职业生涯最后一个冠军There has never been a greater cyclist (自行车手) in the history... been a greater cyclist (自行车手) in the history of the Tour de France (环法自行车赛) than Mark Cavendish ……
, a failed cyclist (自行车手), a salesman and a migrant worker (民工). Among them, his performance ……
(自行车手) who just won a golden medal in the Doha Asian Games. He didn't give up at age 33. Another ……
要点提示内容:评论名人撒谎造假事件新闻:美国职业自行车手兰斯·阿姆斯特朗首次公开承认使用禁药;美国流行天后碧昂丝被指在奥巴马就职典礼上对口型假唱国歌《星条旗永不落》。文化:体育圈“兴奋剂”之殇;歌手... she’ll sing live at that *venue. Why would she? “Just to show everybody she’s got the pipes.” 背景美国职业自行车手 ……