国俚语中表达“健美的”。埃夫隆刚出道时以奶油小生形象著称,这些年勤练身体,不但拥有六块傲人的腹肌,戏路也越拓越广。 ……
to improve themselves.Flabby意为“肌肉松垂的,肥胖的”。此外,文中的fall prey to意为“倾倒”。别看彭于晏现在有六块腹肌,但是他小时候可是胖胖的身材。小胖墩向男神转变的过程让网友大呼励志。 ……
everywhere. Titaness意思是“女大力士”。屏幕外的大表姐一向以搞笑和不注意形象著称,这次又在马路上直接背起好朋友,大力女神的腹肌也是羡煞旁人。 21st ……
TUCHONG为什么有些人永远练不出八块腹肌?为什么有些人永远练不出八块腹肌?Eight-pack abs (腹肌) might be a dream for many people who... it.Eight-pack abs (腹肌) might be a dream for many people who work out regularly. However, for some ……
.Candid意为“率直的,坦白的”,同义词有honest和forthright。蔡依林勤练身体众所周知,在广告大片中的完美腹肌令粉丝艳羡不已。谁曾想蔡依林本人透露秀出的肌肉为光照效果,这样诚实对待粉丝确实令人感动。 ……
正式的表达还有athletic。陈意涵的超强腹肌在周末震惊了网友和观众,也让自己的人气随之一路飙升。 ……
), many women are hitting the gym to work on their summer bodies.由于健美的腹部肌肉轮廓看起来像一件马甲,中国人把腹肌(abdominal ……
to turn my bulging belly (鼓起的肚子) into abs of steel (紧实的腹肌). However, I have discovered a one-size-fits...肚) into a six-pack (六块腹肌), it’s not easy.It requires sticking to an expert-devised (专家制订的) diet of vocabulary ……
跟他打架。)buff 指"壮硕魁梧的"。2. Jason is so cut. I can see his six-pack through his shirt. (杰森好有肌肉。隔着衣服都能看出他的六块腹肌。)cut表示非常有肌肉的,而six-pack则是指健硕男士小腹上的六块肌肉,这可是众多男生梦寐以求的。six-pack的说法起源于国外常见的啤酒或饮料的包装,即六个易拉罐排成两排、捆在一起卖,其排列形状与腹肌 ……
in exercise wherever you can,” he said. “You can do an abs workout (腹肌锻炼) in your bedroom... in exercise wherever you can,” he said. “You can do an abs workout (腹肌锻炼) in your bedroom when ……
lay on my bed, my abs (腹肌) and back were in pain (疼痛).”“The training (训练) was really hard. I...力量). Every night when I lay on my bed, my abs (腹肌) and back were in pain (疼痛).”After breaking ……
abs (轮廓分明的腹肌) and strong jaw line of a male supermodel.” His physique and style are complemented (更加 ……
独一无二的我1.I am special (特别的) because I am very strong. I’ll tell you a secret. I have three abdominal muscles (腹肌). I usually do sit-ups (仰卧起坐) and rope skipping (跳绳) in the morning. Also, I love ……
), many women are hitting the gym to work on their summer bodies.由于健美的腹部肌肉轮廓看起来像一件马甲,中国人把腹肌(abdominal ……
要点提示练出六块腹肌,露出人鱼线是很多男生的追求。但如今拥有“爸爸肚”(Dad bod) 却在美国掀起了一股风潮,这个词用来形容不经常去健身,但也没有啤酒肚的男生。很多...板”,washboard abs可理解为“像搓衣板一样的腹肌”,即形容腹肌结实。“六块腹肌”可表达为six-pack,“轮廓分明的腹肌”则是chiseled abs。Bicep指“二头肌”,指胳 ……