connections between wood pieces. It involves inserting (插入) a tenon into a mortise to fit them.... It involves inserting (插入) a tenon into a mortise to fit them tightly together. This method has been ……
the same!生词大本营 perfect 完美的 tube 管子 stick 插入railing 栏杆slip 跌落hooray 好样的生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营perfect 完美的 tube 管子 stick 插入railing 栏杆slip 跌落hooray 好样的perfect 完美的perfect 完美的tube 管子tube 管子stick 插入stick 插入railing 栏杆 ……
copper and zinc strips (插入铜片和锌片) into an orange. This made the electricity to light up a bulb (灯泡 ……
WHAT you’ll need: a sweet potato showing signs of roots or little purple buds (芽).What to do: Stick (插入) three toothpicks into the potato, about one-third of the way from the top.Set the potato ……
WHAT you’ll need: a sweet potato showing signs of roots or little purple buds (芽).What to do: Stick (插入) three toothpicks into the potato, about one-third of the way from the top.Set the potato ……
日两国人民世世代代友好下去,让世界各国人民永享和平安宁。在本句话的英语翻译中,if not forgotten是插入语。插入语指在一个句子中间插入的部分,它不作句子的任何成分,将它删掉之后,句子结构仍然完整。形容词(短语)、副词(短语)、不定式短语、介词短语均可作插入语。以形容词(短语)作插入语为例:We, most important of all, must learn all the skills.(最重要的是,我们 ……
句话的英语翻译中,if not forgotten是插入语。插入语指在一个句子中间插入的部分,它不作句子的任何成分,将它删掉之后,句子结构仍然完整。形容词(短语)、副词(短语)、不定式短语、介词短语均可作插入语。以形容词(短语)作插入语为例:We, most important of all, must learn all the skills. (最重要的是,我们必须掌握所有的技能)。  ……
pencil.4. 插入吸管并固定。And put section 1 into section 2.5. Make your sail(帆)with a sheet of paper.6. If you ……
insert (插入) their hands underwater to find the catfish. The goal is to get the fish to bite ……
.本句句子主干被插入语according to Fitz Coleman, a technical coach on Bolt's team隔开了,去掉插入语或将其提到句首,句子主干就显而易见了,即:...the main reason for Jamaica's success is the attitude. 另外注意:a technical coach on Bolt's team也是插入 ……
other Chinese ones.本句中的some believe为插入语。插入语是指插在句子中间,对句子起补充或附加说明的成分。插入语一般与句中其它部分没有语法上的联系,若将其去掉,句子 ……
界各国人民永享和平安宁。在本句话的英语翻译中,if not forgotten是插入语。插入语指在一个句子中间插入的部分,它不作句子的任何成分,将它删掉之后,句子结构仍然完整。形容词(短语)、副词(短语)、不定式短语、介词短语均可作插入语。以形容词(短语)作插入语为例:We, most important of all, must learn all the skills. (最重要的是,我们 ……
练,它能闻到 Crane 发病前散发出的独特气味。点拨:插入语指在一个句子中间插入的部分,不作句子的任何成分,将其删掉之后,句子结构仍然完整。形容词 (短语)、副词 (短语)、不定式短语、介词短语均可作插入语。本句中第一个插入语 trained by Canine Partners for Life 对 Zern 作修饰限定;第二个插入语 a non-profit group ……
. Insert (插) another pencil under the watch band (表带). 在魔术的第三步,你可以直接用右手把笔插入左手已经准备好的道具笔下面。需要注意的是,动作 ……
contest. Players would stand at a high table. They put their hands behind their backs. Then they stick (插入 ……