他有一双大脚丫This man is Jeison Rodriguez. He is 23 years old and lives in Venezuela (委内瑞拉). He has the biggest feet in the world. His right foot is 40.1 cm long and his left foot is 39.6. It is not easy ……
the mummies keep well.Word boxWord boxa bad smell 难闻的气味smell good 闻起来香香的smelly feet 臭臭的脚丫a bad smell 难闻的气味a bad smell 难闻的气味smell good 闻起来香香的smell good 闻起来香香的smelly feet 臭臭的脚丫smelly feet 臭臭的脚丫 ……
为什么企鹅的脚丫不怕冻?为什么企鹅的脚丫不怕冻? How long could you stand on ice without socks and shoes? Maybe one minute? If you’re an emperor penguin (帝企鹅), you can do it for two months. Why don&rsquo ……
Penguins keep their feet just a little above freezing temperature. QIANTUPenguins keep their feet just a little above freezing temperature. QIANTU为什么企鹅的脚丫不怕冻?为什么企鹅的脚丫不怕冻?How long could you stand ……
smell like stinky feet (臭脚丫). Ew! There are over 700 kinds of cheese in Switzerland. They are salty, sweet, hard or soft. Some even smell like stinky feet (臭脚丫). Ew! True or false True ……
Yin Peixin has a fish pedicure. PROVIDED TO TEENS Let fish ‘kiss’ your feet! 让小鱼“亲吻”脚丫的感觉真好!Let fish ‘kiss’ your feet! 让小鱼“亲吻”脚丫的感觉真好!Have you ever tried ……
Teens教你几招,让你避免臭脚。词数 306 建议阅读时间 5分钟THEY'RE yourtootsies(脚丫) and your little piggies. Whatever you call them, feet are an important part of you. Without them, you couldn't stand up or run in a race ……
兔子舞王Words and pictures authorized by Scholastic故事简介兔子巴迪有双大脚丫,而且从来没学过跳舞,其他的兔子伙伴都不愿意跟他跳舞。沮丧的他怎么办呢?This is Buddy Rabbit. He never learned to dance. His great big feet get in the way. Wanda ……
兔子舞王 故事简介兔子巴迪有双大脚丫。他从来没学过跳舞,其他的兔子伙伴都不愿意跟他跳舞。沮丧的他该怎么办呢?This is Buddy Rabbit. He never learned to dance. His great big feet get in the way. Wanda will not waltz (跳华尔兹舞) with him. Neither will Belinda ……
妈妈看到自己最心爱的灯成了一地碎片,问是怎么回事。小熊哥哥说是鸟干的。妹妹接着说:“是一只长着黄脚丫、绿翅膀和红脑袋的紫色大鸟干的!”爸爸回家了,兄妹俩争先恐后地向爸爸讲述那只闯祸的鸟。只可惜他们不记得之前说过的话,竟把那只鸟描述得面目全非!兄妹俩最后会说出真相吗?快看故事吧。(1) “It was a bird!” says Brother. “Yes,” says Sister ……
说实话(下)妈妈看到自己最心爱的台灯成了一地碎片,问是怎么回事。小熊哥哥说是鸟干的。妹妹接着说:"是一只长着黄脚丫、绿翅膀和红脑袋的紫色大鸟干的!"爸爸回家了,兄妹俩争先恐后地向爸爸讲述那只闯祸的鸟。只可惜他们不记得之前说过的话,竟把那只鸟描述得面目全非!兄妹俩最后会说出真相吗?快看故事吧。1. "It was a bird!" says Brother. "Yes," says Sister ……
怎样才能避免脚臭呢?词数 306建议阅读时间 5分钟THEY’RE your tootsies (脚丫) and your little piggies. Whatever you call them, feet are an important part of you. Without them, you couldn’t stand up or run in a race. In fact ……
妈妈看到自己最心爱的灯成了一地碎片,就问是怎么回事。小熊哥哥说是鸟干的。妹妹接着说:“是一只长着黄脚丫、绿翅膀和红脑袋的紫色大鸟干的!”爸爸回家了,兄妹俩争先恐后地向爸爸讲述那只闯祸的鸟。只可惜他们不记得之前说过的话,竟把那只鸟描述得面目全非!兄妹俩最后会说出真相吗?快看故事吧。1.“It was a bird!” says Brother. “Yes,” says Sister, “a big ……
上一行大字“你还在用脚丫子背单词吗?”一下子映入眼帘。话虽重了点,但却是事实。当今的人们在学英语、背单词的时候,又有几个不是这样的呢?死记硬背的恶果,我们都知道:低效、事倍功半。但是,为什 ……
试水原版图书本土销售 努力发掘中国出版资源
内特瑟夫和大戏剧家尤金奥尼尔的合影。老尤金打着领带、穿着西裤、皮鞋,贝内特裤衩背心、光着脚丫。怎么看,都想不出来这个不修边幅的图书出版商和儒雅得体的、最鼎鼎有名的世界文豪在合影的瞬间前后在干什么,在聊什么。事实上,贝内 ……