2008美国总统大选正在火热进行中,来自全球语言监测机构(Global Language Monitor)的调查显示,以伊利诺伊州国会参议员奥巴马的名字Obama为词根派生出的许多单词已经成为英语流行词汇的一部分。 ……
应教育部邀请、由华尔街英语鼎力赞助的美国总统奖获得者、优秀高中毕业生代表团于今年暑期来华进行了为期15天的交流访问。据悉,为做好中美两国青年之间的理解与交流工作,积极宣传中国改革开放的成果,为中美两国关系的健康发展做出积极的贡献,在教育部的大力支持下,我国驻美国大使馆2003年发起了《中美优秀高中毕业生交流项目》。近年来,该活动自始至终都一直得到了华尔街英语的大力支持。记者了解到,在访 ……
据国外媒体综合报道,美国知名词典编纂家Paul Dickson近日推出的新作《来自白宫的词》(Words from the White House)引发了英语爱好者的强烈兴趣,因为该书详细介绍了一系列由美国总统——虽然并不一定是他们在就任总统期间——创造、普及或给予新意的单词和短语。据了解,该书是按照单词的首字母排序、以词典的形式编写的。Dickson介绍说,在美国独立于英国后,一些美国人想要将美国 ……
Are they cool? Who do you think is cooler? The black dog or the white dog? 它们是美国总统府白宫里新上任的狗狗警卫。 ……
河马“竞选”美国总统河马“竞选”美国总统The US is picking its new president (总统), and guess who’s running... is picking its new president (总统), and guess who’s running? It’s not a person, it’s a hippo from ……
美国总统布什将应邀来访中国US President George W. Bush will be in China on a working visit from February 21 to 22 at the invitation of President Jiang Zemin. In Bush's three-nation Asia tour, he will visit Japan ……
美国总统也有自己的宠物狗。 DO you keep a pet? American President (总统) Barack Obama does. He calls his new dog Bo. It is six months old. The president''s family likes the dog very much. Look! They are having fun ……
特朗普赢得美国总统大选PAGE 2Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States after a stunning defeat of Hillary Clinton. Future talks你想每天跟机器人聊天吗?Chatting to robots will soon be the way humans ……
拜登 VS 特朗普:谁会成为下一任美国总统?拜登 VS 特朗普:谁会成为下一任美国总统?This November, Joe Biden and Donald Trump will face each other again for the US presidency (总统). Some people are worried that President Biden, at age 81 ……
奥巴马连任美国总统。BARACK Obama, 51, has won again! Four years ago, he became the first black president (总统) of the US. For the next four years, he will still be the nation’s president.As president, Obama ……
奥巴马连任美国总统Barack Obama, 51, wins again! Four years ago, he became the first black president (总统) of the US. He will still be the nation’s president for four more years.As president, Obama ended ……
the Democratic Party and Republican Party nominees, *respectively. 美国总统选举已经进入primary season (初选/预选季),即各 ……
worlds beyond.”Donald Trump, US president“我们将为最终的火星使命奠定基础。也许有一天,我们可以到达更远的世界。” (路透社)12月11日,美国总统唐纳德·特朗...的“阿波罗”计划。1969年7月21日,人类迎来了历史性时刻,“阿波罗11号”飞船载着三名宇航员,完成了人类首次成功登上月球的使命。特朗普的声明,使他成为过去30年来第三位宣布重返月球的美国总统 ……
美国总统竞选人奥巴马告诉中学生如何改变世界。 Elizabeth Conway, 12, is a middle school student in the US. Earlier this month, she spoke with Senator (参议员)Barack Obama. Obama is running to be American president(总统).Conway ……
美国总统日到底是庆祝谁的节日?EVERY year on the third Monday of February, the US celebrates a public holiday...) George Washington, the first president (总统) of the US. He was born on February 22, 1732. So ……