the sound. This way, they know which tiles are good and which need to be repaired (维修).What are these men... tile and hear the sound. This way, they know which tiles are good and which need to be repaired (维修). ……
skills. During the training, students learned to do first aid (急救) and repair (维修) computers ……
伦敦大本钟开始维修,将静音四年。 Big Ben is a large clock tower in London, UK. It may be the most famous clock...伦敦泰晤士河畔的一座钟楼,是伦敦的标志性建筑 (landmarks) 之一。钟楼高95米,钟直径7米,重13.5吨 (tons)。本次维修将清理和修护其钟面 (dials)、指针 (hands)、以及钟摆等。 TEENS ……
“大本钟”开始为期四年的静音维修。 If you have been to London, you may have visited Big Ben, the world-famous clock...径 (diameter) 7米,重13.5吨 (tons)。本次维修的预算为2900万英镑 (约合2.58亿元人民币),包括清理和修护其钟面 (dials)、指针 (hands)、以及钟摆等。 TEENS ……
which tiles are good and which need to be repaired (维修). There are about 1 million white tiles..., they know which tiles are good and which need to be repaired (维修). There are about 1 million white ……
拉尔夫对儿子说:“诺曼,是时候教给你一点家庭维修的基本常识了。比如,这个马桶里的水一直在淌,你知道怎么处理吗?”诺曼不知道。“首先,关掉这个阀门,这样就切断了水流。”诺曼专心地看着父亲操作:“然后呢?”结果拉尔夫答道:“从现在开始,用楼上的洗手间吧!”看来,拉尔夫也是个外行啊。 ……
like social care and road maintenance (维修), said the BBC.But people have opposed the move by saying ……
.Workers will take it apart (拆开). They will clean its dials (钟面) and repair (维修) the glass ……
巴黎埃菲尔铁塔熄灯维修。The famous Eiffel Tower is in the middle of Paris, France. About 300 meters tall, it is the tallest building in the city. On top of the tower, there are four projectors (探照灯). At night ……
spacewalks since 1998 to carry out construction jobs, maintenance (维修) and repairs.It is hoped ……
, Labor member of parliament“(大本钟的声音)令人安心,它象征着国家稳定,象征着国家统一。”(《独立报》)近日,由于伦敦的伊丽莎白塔开始大规模维修翻新,英国... across the city, uniting all of us, is symbolically massively important)。”这次维修也将是“大本钟”历史上最长的一次静音。不过,按照 ……
2月26日,甘肃积石山地震灾区中小学校全部如期开学。2023年12月18日,积石山县发生6.2级地震,造成全县学校不同程度受损。经过两个多月不懈努力,185所维修...级地震,造成全县学校不同程度受损。经过两个多月不懈努力,185所维修加固学校室内工程已全部完工并投入使用。图为积石山县石塬镇肖红坪小学的老师在修缮一新的教室里给学生上课。 来源:新华社。2月26日 ……
摘自: 图片新闻[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
Onecrew 车队cockpit 赛车驾驶舱pits 维修区pit stop 停站 ……
this house, because it will cost far more than we can afford to renovate (维修) it. It is easy to be wise ……
plantsRepair (维修) the spaceship ……