贵州省某中学“英语科教师由班主任聘任”方案在新学年开始实施。在学校管理部门的监督下,各班班主任根据学生的学习情况和教师的教学能力为班级选择合适的英语教师。入选的英语教师不禁自喜,落聘的英语教师则黯然神伤。有人认为,“英语科教师由班主任聘任”加剧了英语教师之间的竞争,英语教师将要承受更大的职业压力。此外,这一举措也不利于教师之间和谐相处。有人认为,英语教育领域竞争激烈化是不可逆转的趋势,英语 ……
description of elephant is the description of your headteacher (班主任).D. Your description of tiger ……
QDear Uncle Charlie,I’m a fat girl. The boys in my class give me nicknames2. I’m very angry and tell my head teacher (班主任) about it, but this doesn’t stop them. I try to lose weight3, but I can ……
生日聚会,你会坐在谁旁边?At your birthday party, whom would you most want to sit next to you?A: An athlete (运动员). B: A writer (作家).C: A pop singer.D: Your head teacher (班主任).A: You are outgoing (外向的). Your ……
at jumping. It jumps over ______________(number)- ______________(名词的复数形式) in a jump. My head teacher (班主任 ……
我的班主任Ms Pan is my head teacher. She is very lovely. She has big eyes, a high nose and long hair. When she smiles, she has two dimples (酒窝).Sometimes she is like a gentle1 hen. She helps our study ……
, and they talk like friends. ( 第36期,3版)很多学生去他们(班主任)那里咨询,师生象朋友一样交谈。6.Besides their required classes, students...必修课,学生还可以选一些自己感兴趣的课程, 比如美术、合唱或者木工。7.What would school be like without head teachers? (第36期,3版)如果没有班主任 ……
高中英语教师职位要求* 年龄25至50岁,本科以上学历,5年以上工作经验。* 热爱教育事业、工作能力强。* 教学成绩突出、身心健康、普通话标准、责任心强。有亲和力,善于合作,沟通能力佳。* 特级教师、省市优秀教师,班主任,学科带头人优先聘用。* 有较强的班级管理能力,善于做学生工作,有毕业管理工作经验者优先考虑。联系方式联系电话:珠海市南屏镇珠海东方外语实验学校人力资源部邮编:519060联系 ……
their advisor is美国中学的“班主任”是怎样一种存在?美国中学的“班主任”是怎样一种存在?An advisor in the US works like a homeroom teacher (班主任... a homeroom teacher (班主任) in China. But unlike homeroom teachers who have more than 40 students, advisors ……
如果你有烦恼和困惑要倾诉,或有人生感悟要与大家分享,请用简洁的英文写信给我们。这里有青少年心理咨询专家为你出谋划策。本周这位读者询问:我不喜欢政治,但我的班主任又偏偏是我们的政治老师。他好... is taught by my class teacher (班主任). So now he does not seem to like me.What should I do?Li You ……
; 点歌人:点歌人:四川省成都市陕西街石室联合中学 郑付楷瑞点歌人:点歌人:四川省成都市陕西街石室联合中学 郑付楷瑞寄语:献给我们班和蔼可亲的班主任陈老师, 尽管总有各种花样的trouble围绕在她身边,她却总能保持笑口常开!寄语:献给我们班和蔼可亲的班主任陈老师, 尽管总有各种花样的trouble围绕在她身边,她却总能保持笑口常开!想为亲朋好友点歌吗?请将歌名及寄语发送到xiongjian ……
them to be.So, you must tell yourclass tutor(班主任) what is going on. You do not need to mention any ……
没有了领头羊,我们独立奔跑。WHAT would school be like withouthead teachers(班主任)? Could students look after themselves, or would they be lost?You can find the answer in Changchun, Jilin. At the No 1 Middle School ……
is both my Chinese teacher and head teacher (班主任). She is pretty and young. We like her classes. She ……
.北京中关村第二小学 林曦泽In my class, sometimes someone tells the head teacher (班主任) about a problem ……